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Hold for macro??? - POLK XRT12
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Post 1 made on Sunday April 22, 2007 at 16:08
Craig Henrikson
Founding Member
April 2002
In the ongoing saga of trying to get RF control over a Polk xrt12 I have made a few observations that make no sense to me at all. First - I am using the trigger signal from my Denon AVR 3805 to turn the unit on. Once it is on it refuses to respond to signals from the flasher -- really NO RESPONSE at all. If I hold down the "button" on the TSU7000 while it sends the macro for channel number it will respond -- this is literally for6-7 seconds. After the tuner has done this a couple of times it then will respond normally to the macros -- for a while anyway. The Polk uses toggle bits, I think -- any thoughts about why this is happening?? Note - the OEM remote doesn't have this problem - and skipping the trigger for a direct turn-on doesn't change the behavior either. Also, the situation pertains both with my learned commands and the program in the files here on the greatest remote site in the world!!


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