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Tsu3000 macro reliability
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Post 1 made on Thursday April 19, 2007 at 03:27
Long Time Member
February 2004
After not using my tsu3000 for about a year and a half I am starting to get programming it again since I have all new equipment, and my wife wants any easy to operate remote. However previously maybe almost 2 years ago when I first programmed macros, they were not always reliable, I am away on business so I cannot test it right now, but I am just wondering how reliable are the macros since the firmware, at most I would only use a macro with two codes, anything more and if something goes wrong, my wife will have no idea what to do.
Post 2 made on Thursday April 19, 2007 at 18:29
Long Time Member
July 2002
My TSU3000 executes macros just fine with the latest firmware. My "Power Off All" macros performs 20 functions (including jumps to other screens to show progress) and as long as I have the Pronto pointed at the equipment (too cheap to buy an extender) the macro works.
Harmony One

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