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i want my old buttons back
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Post 1 made on Monday February 17, 2003 at 22:52
Long Time Member
February 2003
after all the trouble i had with ng and win98, i finally had to upgrade to win98 second edition. and now it works. the ng buttons i think are too fancy. i would like to see ones like in pronto edit with no shading or "depth" to them. i want my customers to be able to see the buttons name and not have to strain to read the name. i'm sure as i program more of them it will become more comfortable but now i think ng is a pain
Post 2 made on Tuesday February 18, 2003 at 00:28
Founding Member
August 2001
Well, with PENG you can have your choice, you can use your old buttons if you want or you can use the new "fancy" buttons. Also the transparency feature is GREAT.

I have been using PENG now for about 2 months and I had to go back to PE 4.05 to work on a 1000 that I just got. I must say I really like the interface on the new PENG software better.

I imagine if a person learned to use PENG first and then had to use PE 4.05, they would be saying how that they think PE 4.05 is a pain.

Jack of all trades..
Master of None
OP | Post 3 made on Tuesday February 18, 2003 at 18:29
Long Time Member
February 2003
where are the old buttons located? do i have to import them from pe?

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