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New TSU3000 stuck in Touchscreen Cal. mode
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Post 1 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 00:52
Sam Scamardo
Long Time Member
February 2003
Hey guys,

I finally picked up a TSU3000 an lo and behold I've already busted it!

Before I did any editing with the PENG software, I download software. After I did that, the remote is stuck on the touchscreen calibration mode. It wants me to touch the top left of screen (works) then touch the bottom right (doesn't work). After that it says "Calibration Failed".

I can't get it to do anything from here on out. I even tried removing batteries and reinstalling but no luck.

Please help!
Post 2 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 01:13
Founding Member
August 2001
Have you pressed the reset button?
Normally, resetting Pronto is not necessary. However, if Pronto’s touch screen freezes or if you notice unusual behaviour, you need to perform a reset to get Pronto running again.
1 Slide the battery cover off the back of Pronto.
You can find the Reset button in the battery compartment.
2 Use an unfolded paperclip or a sharp pencil to carefully press the Reset button.
Pronto restarts.
Pronto beeps twice to indicate it is ready for use.

If you do a search on the regular Pronto forum, there are all sorts of Q&A for this problem. If you still have the problem you might try some of those suggestions.


This message was edited by Archer on 02/16/03 10:54.
Jack of all trades..
Master of None
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 11:14
Sam Scamardo
Long Time Member
February 2003
Thanks so much Archer. After unsucessfully doing a reset, I searched the regular Pronto forum and found I must use a *very* fine point to do the calibration.

Now if I could only get the "LCD timeout" and "Backlight" timeout functions to work correctly. No matter where I set them, the Backlight timeout takes precedence.
Post 4 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 14:14
DBD Electronics Inc
Long Time Member
January 2003
same thing happened to me, left the batteries out for two days and problem went away
OP | Post 5 made on Sunday February 16, 2003 at 14:21
Sam Scamardo
Long Time Member
February 2003
"same thing happened to me, left the batteries out for two days and problem went away"

Do you mean the Touchscreen calibration problem or the LCD timeout problem?

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