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re-enable MCE Debounce in Windows 8 pro
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Post 1 made on Wednesday November 28, 2012 at 07:04
Lurking Member
November 2012

I've just built a Windows 8 pro HTPC all has gone well.... until I come to the remote control.

I've got a MCE remote that uses the ehome device driver. It all worked fine but I wanted to use my own remote so I learned all the commands from the MCE remote. I hit the issue of debounce so I disabled it in the registry. Now my own remote works except that now the PVR buttons do not function anymore on either my remote or the original MCE remote

I've established (I think) that the reason they do not work anymore is because these buttons must send more than one command therefore because debounce setting is now only sending one then the receiver does not receive all the bits it needs.

so then I was left with either having no PVR functions or re enabling the debounce and having to use the original MCE remote.

I decided to re enable Debounce by setting the Dword back to '1'. restarted the computer but it took no effect. I checked in registry and Dword had been amended to '1' but the PVR buttons still were inoperable.

Pulling my hair out in the end - because it's all a clean install/build etc I decided to reinstall windows and the PVR function came back. Registry debounce was '1'

so thinking maybe I'd done something to disrupt the earlier attempt I tried again. I changed the registry to '0' rebooted > PVR funtion stopped > changed back to '1' > rebooted > PVR fundtion didn't come back up. AAARGGHH

why by changing a single entry and changing it back does the PC not revert back to where it was?????

So..... HOW do I re enable debounce?

This is purely for my sanity that I want to know this because actually what I've decided to do in the end is install IntelliRemote and map the non functioning PVR buttons to keyboard shortcuts so I can actually use my own remote and PVR functionality - it's just done by remapping

but still I'd love to know why debounce won't come back up when I alter the registry.

for info the reg key is


it also appears in


By changing the first it automatically changes the second.

Anybody know why re enabling does not work????
Post 2 made on Wednesday December 5, 2012 at 05:03
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Sounds like maybe a Windows 8 specific thing, because I've never heard of this happening on XP/Vista/7.

One thing you could try - after it stops working... try uninstalling/reinstalling the eHome (IR receiver) driver.

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