first, i'm an educated person. BS EET, MCP and 20 years of applications work, but the Neo yanked my chain. I bought it so my wife could run the new philips 720/panasonic dvd/jvc vcr,rca satellite and samsung hdtv tuner.
here's the facts:
Windows ME and my compaq presario 1700T with a port replicator could not download the NCF file. changing baud rate, buffer size and speeds meant nothing. "corrupt flash memory" error was ever present. (2 Hours)
Switching to my son's 4 year old compaq desktop solved the problem, but that was only the beginning. (2 Hours)
No documentation is provided with NEOedit so It's off to read the help section, which essentially sucks. after writing a few simple programs, i got the hang of it, but still not intuitive obvious. Figured out that a macro must reference another icon with imbedded 'actions' and that an icon itself cannot easily be a macro. this should be the first line in the help section as most guys like me are looking for macros... not just a remote replacer. (4 Hours)
ah, just discovered what the 'freeze after jump' problem is! this is a major setback. i had programmed a 'simple' section for the wife so she could simply select 'animal planet' icon and the a/v switch, tv and channel would be selected. i jumped to the tv controller overview page on the neo after the macro since if they aren't operating on the intestines of dogs or cats who eat plastic, she'll surf on and low and behold... the IR command DOESNT WORK until you go back to the main page and navigate back to the tv overview page.
Wow, next error is discovered. I can't memorize one of the commands on the philips 720 that controls screen size. and next, i can't memorize ANY of the commands of the Samsung HDTV remote. Plus, I can't customize the first page that is viewed by the NEO, or at least I can't figure out how to do this. So, I'm left with an overview section that is fabricated by the software. Sure would like to arrange the layout. but if i delete a section and attempt to repaste it, and that section is referenced by other pages or macros, the software will DELETE those lines of code forcing me to search all macros and actions to reinsert the code. (plus, i can't document my code so being elderly and feeble, i will probably miss something and as we all know, you have completely RETEACH each and every learned code EACH AND EVERTIME you down load a revised program)
So, after 10 hours of code and work arounds, the NEO works about 80% and the remote for the HDTV sits next to it. She's moderately placated, but I'm yanked.
In baseball, it's E1. In football, it's called a fumble. Basketball calls it a turnover and tennis says it's an unforced error.
I suspect I'll label philips attempt in releasing this product as a 'cockpit error'. That's what the military calls it when the pilot mistakenly runs the plane into a mountain. the pilot who steered this product thru philips crashed.