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HP TV discretes and Aspect ratio problems
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Post 1 made on Monday June 12, 2006 at 17:49
Lee Kropp
Long Time Member
May 2004
Here's what to do if you have a HP tv and want to use URC discrete codes.

The TV needs a Jan 2 firmware update to use URC discrete codes.


Goto search and high light support and driver and your model.

unzip the files

Make sure there are 15 files. (if there are less you need to erea everything and reload the file)

Transfer these files to a memory stick (it has to be empty! If it is not the HP will try to download everything on the stick) DO NOT USE THE SR232 PORT!!!!!!!

Next turn off the TV

Remove all cable inputs (all off the little wires that give you sound and video)

unplug the power for 10 seconds

insert the usb drive

plug the TV power back in (do not turn on the TV)

blue and red lights will flash for 30 minutes

when only the blue light is flashing remove the usb drive

unplug the power for 10 seconds

plug the power back in and turn on the TV

you will see the new firmware updates. press OK on the HP remote

turn off the TV and plug your wires back in

Load the codes from URC into your remote and your done.

This also corrects the aspect ratio problems they are currently having.

Lee Kropp

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