Thanks everyone!
The msconfig trick did it! I was able to load the configuration to the remote, I'll have to figure out what is causing the com error. I had installed and Axim 51 recently (attempting to use it as universal remote, but it was very unreliable). Maybe some of its sync software is still hiding somewhere.
The MX-850/ MRF-300 combo is amazing! It flawlessly controls a Dish 942 HD-DVR, a Denon 3801, an MCE 2005, a Pany plasma and a JVC VCR. All but the TV are in another room, in an enclosed cabinet.
I have been fighting the MCE box for 2 years: nothing would control it reliably. Was using a hardwired "plasma-proof" remote installation. The MX-850 handles 100% reliably!
I just finished setting it up, made the main page as three "activity" macros: Watch TV, Media Centr, Watch VCR. The IR database is great, I used the Dish 921 configuration for my 942 (didn't find a 942 listed), and the Denon 3802 for my 3801 (the 3801 didn't have discrete on/off). It all works perfectly!
Sorry for the ecstatic rant:-) Wow!
Last edited by Rem3000
on February 2, 2006 03:40.