Post 1 made on Sunday April 16, 2000 at 21:13 |
as you can tell from my post in the all for one forum, am looking for a remote (under $150) that will work with a general instruments digital cable box (model number dct 2244, i believe). Anyone here know if the SL-9000 will work with this?
Thanks Paul
OP | Post 2 made on Monday April 17, 2000 at 14:08 |
Scott L. Historic Forum Post |
I have an older SL-9000 and a GI DCT 2000 cable box. The remote controls it without any problems.
OP | Post 3 made on Friday April 28, 2000 at 00:27 |
John Sully Historic Forum Post |
I use an SL-9000 with my bedroom system. I controls a GI DCT-2000 digital cable box just fine. The only thing lacking is page up/page down and day +/day -. No big deal.
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