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Issue with programming MX-200 (Sidekick)
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Post 1 made on Friday August 25, 2023 at 16:06
Long Time Member
September 2002
I haven't used a sidekick in several years.  I have a couple used ones as well as a couple that have never been used.  I'm currently using MX-850's.  I now have a need for a simplified remote and thought that the sidekick would fit the bill.

I created the file using the MX-850 editor.  I couldn't get the file to download to the sidekick so I installed an older copy of the MX700 editor and get the same errors.

The error is "Timeout Connection - Error: Unknown Protocol. [DLTR-6]" at about 25% of the download.  I click OK and get 2nd error of "Unknown answer - Wakeup". I click OK and the progress continues to 50% where "Timeout Connection - Error: Unknown Protocol. [DLTR-6]" pops up again and the progress just hangs with "Error detected while processing..." in the message window. I have to close the download window.

I believe the MX-850 editor should work.  Any ideas how to fix this?
Firmware version is 1.29 and universal data version is 1.76

Downloading to an 850 works fine. Tried a different computer with the MX850 editor and get the same errors.

Last edited by hdtvluvr on August 25, 2023 16:26.

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