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MX-980 Editor
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Post 1 made on Monday July 11, 2022 at 08:37
Junior Member
July 2022
Looking to see if anyone has a link to download the 980 Editor software? To avoid all the licensing discussion, here is my situation. I purchased the MX-950 many years ago. Under warranty URC replaced it with a MX-980 for a reasonable up charge. Because I did not originally have the programming software, they were gracious enough to provide me a download link, which I did onto Win XP. Recently I just upgraded to Win 7. (Yea I know I really live on the bleeding edge of technology, Ha Ha! Actually I'm a MAC user and I keep windows around for several of my home automation programs.) Anyway when I upgraded to 7, the MX-980 editor would not transfer. I spoke to URC, but because they have moved totally to Complete Control, none of them had the old software. If they had they would have gladly provided to me due to the fact that I am merely trying to maintain my personal system. So I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to download the executables along with the expansion packs or has a disk. As I said URC doesn't care, as this is no longer a supported program. Appreciate any guidance and help

Last edited by prash001 on August 22, 2022 14:41.
Post 2 made on Monday July 11, 2022 at 10:19
Regular Member
November 2020
Look in the Pro Remotes forum, this is for their consumer line and the MX-980 is a pro remote.

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