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Has anyone used the Savant X2 Pro?
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Post 1 made on Sunday May 8, 2022 at 18:01
Long Time Member
August 2017
I am currently using URC MX-990’s and have had the software for years. Like everyone else in my shoes I was shocked when I tried updating and got locked out from using the software. I had to do a date reset on my computer to restore it again. My obvious concern is what about the future? I can’t imagine life without my MX-990’s, but with no way to update, my next TV or surround receiver purchase may render my remote obsolete, so I’m looking for another remote to serve my purposes and still have the ability to update it whenever I want and customize to my liking. I have tinkered with Harmony products and quite honestly they don’t get it done without a hassle. Has anyone used the Savant X2 Pro, and if so what are your thoughts? It looks like something that would meet my needs easy enough, although I wish it had more hard buttons. I would like to hear from someone with experience with this remote.

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