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MX-700 with Xfinity
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Post 1 made on Friday April 15, 2022 at 00:01
Junior Member
April 2022
Hi all, attaching here as relevant. I have an MX-700 that came with the B&K reference 50 i just purchased off of CL. having issues learning the codes from the remote that came with the new 4K Xfinity X1. I think its called an XR15?

In any case, i put the remote in IR mode (press A + D, then enter 987). I was able to learn all the button codes except CH+, Xfinity menu btn, and select btn. I tried with two different Xfinity remotes same thing. It seems that the MX-700 cant learn these specific IR codes. Anyone had luck with this? I think that none of the downloaded universal codes from the remotes library (for comcast) contain these updated codes for XR-15.


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