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MX-700 & MX-850 Software / Communication...
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Topic: | MX-700 & MX-850 Software / Communication Issues? This thread has 9 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Friday January 3, 2020 at 19:14 |
waleslie Lurking Member |
Joined: Posts: | January 2020 3 |
I currently have an MX-700 remote that is functioning well and communicates with the software via USB to serial adapter. The MX-700 editor is Version 1.12.267.
I also now have two Mx-850 remotes. The first remote was having some issues with button presses not being recognized and having problems connecting to the MX editor, so I picked up a second one that appears to be in excellent condition via ebay.
I also have the specifically MX-850 Editor software. It is Version 1.12.288. Under the Help menu, this version only has options for "Go To Website", "Firmware Version", and "About...". The options for "Update History", "User Guide", and "Live Update" are not present (as they are in the MX-700 Editor software).
If I don't run the MX-850 Editor it as an administrator, I get a "File open error MXSYS.DAT". Running it (on Windows 7) as an administrator makes that error go away.
Both versions of the software seem to interface just fine with my MX-700 remote. Trying to interface with either MX-850 remote results in a communication error code: 102-27UU-0000.
I then downloaded and installed the NM-RX820 Editor software from the file section here. I need to run it as an administrator as well. I seem to get the same results. The MX-700 interfaces fine, the MX-850s give communication errors. Should either/any version of the software work for all the different remote models?
Are the MX-850 remotes just bad/broken/defective? Is there a way to transfer the program from one remote to another? (Could I download the programming to the MX-700 and copy it to the MX-850?)
Post 2 made on Saturday January 4, 2020 at 13:27 |
Daniel Tonks Wrangler of Remotes |
Joined: Posts: | October 1998 28,785 |
URC did have 2 versions of their software, updateable and non-updateable. But, that software line hasn't had an update in a long time. I think the RX820 Editor might be newer than any of them.
Searching that problem comes up with a few possibilities:
1) Com port number is incorrect (basically indicates that its getting no response from the remote)
2) Need to run as administrator
3) Bad / wrong cable (ie. using a Pronto cable instead of a URC / Take Control cable, or broken leads)
4) Another program is using the com port
Since those don't seem to apply to you... best I can suggest is try another computer. If the problem persists, you could take the remotes apart (search for how) and see if there's any crud or obvious damage to the serial ports, which seems like the most likely answer right now.
You could also try inserting the cables slowly, or not entirely all the way, or bending/pushing on the cable to see if you can get any response.
Post 3 made on Saturday January 4, 2020 at 14:16 |
edmund Elite Member |
Joined: Posts: | April 2002 13,859 |
I have nx-820 software on my computer and its at 1.12.230. Where I also have mx-850 software and its at Both say they have been updated.
OP | Post 4 made on Saturday January 4, 2020 at 20:06 |
waleslie Lurking Member |
Joined: Posts: | January 2020 3 |
I opened it up and took a look. Nothing near the headphone jack/serial port looks cracked, dirty, or loose. Pushing back and forth on the cable doesn't appear to result in any movement of the port.
What's the best way to clean the inside of the port? A Q-tip with rubbing alcohol perhaps?
Am I correct in guessing that there's no way to directly copy the program from one remote to another?
Post 5 made on Saturday January 4, 2020 at 21:55 |
Daniel Tonks Wrangler of Remotes |
Joined: Posts: | October 1998 28,785 |
No, PC programmable URC remotes like the MX-700 don’t have cloning.
Your plan to clean sounds fine. I’m not sure what else to suggest beyond a completely different computer / serial port.
OP | Post 6 made on Sunday January 5, 2020 at 01:15 |
waleslie Lurking Member |
Joined: Posts: | January 2020 3 |
Already tried on another computer. With the programming working on my MX-700, the only option seems to be something wrong with the MX-850 remotes...
Post 7 made on Sunday January 5, 2020 at 02:21 |
edmund Elite Member |
Joined: Posts: | April 2002 13,859 |
Yeah, I wouldn't buy a mx-850 from ebay, if the backlight isn't out its the RF that is.
Post 8 made on Monday January 6, 2020 at 14:18 |
Daniel Tonks Wrangler of Remotes |
Joined: Posts: | October 1998 28,785 |
It's kind of weird that you'd have two with the exact same issue, but the error basically means "no response from the remote". Sometimes if you have a bad cable or an intermittent connection, you'll get the word FAIL flashing on the remote itself when you insert the cable or try to communicate, but without that, it's like the port is just dead.
Post 9 made on Monday February 14, 2022 at 20:40 |
80zforever Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | January 2003 55 |
Were you able to get this working? Which USB to serial adapter are you using?
Post 10 made on Wednesday February 16, 2022 at 20:57 |
BrianB2 Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | January 2003 10 |
And what are your port settings from Device Manager, Port, Advanced? This has made a difference in the past in Win10 but it almost looks like the settings menu has changed from a couple of years ago. Thanks. B
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