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Training MX-450 to control 2016 LG E6 (Smart TV) - home button won't learn
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Post 1 made on Saturday April 8, 2017 at 20:29
Lurking Member
April 2017
I have been able to put together that the HOME/RETURN button on the LG Magic remote is evidently not able to be learned by my MX-450. Therefore, I cannot launch apps on the TV without using the LG remote, which really sucks.

Some of you have figured out a workaround and I am wondering if there is an IR code that will work for me, or some trick that I am not aware of to get it to work. If there is an older LG remote that I can use to learn the code, which one is it, and does anyone have any suggestions on where I can find it?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated....
Post 2 made on Friday May 5, 2017 at 20:37
Jim in CA
Lurking Member
September 2016
Sorry, I can't help you on that one. My MX-500 does not like the Magic remote either. But I was not impressed with the LG apps anyway, so as long as I can turn the LG on and off, and take advantage of the auto HDMI input switch, I quit while I was ahead. I just saved the Magic remote to get to the apps when I need to, which is not often.

Good luck!
Jim in CA
Post 3 made on Friday December 15, 2017 at 11:22
Founding Member
December 2001
On April 8, 2017 at 20:29, txtenor said...
I have been able to put together that the HOME/RETURN button on the LG Magic remote is evidently not able to be learned by my MX-450. Therefore, I cannot launch apps on the TV without using the LG remote, which really sucks.

Some of you have figured out a workaround and I am wondering if there is an IR code that will work for me, or some trick that I am not aware of to get it to work. If there is an older LG remote that I can use to learn the code, which one is it, and does anyone have any suggestions on where I can find it?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated....

According to this post it can be learned from another LG remote.

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