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Panasonic Power on long command and MX450
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Post 1 made on Sunday May 31, 2015 at 08:02
Lurking Member
May 2015
I have Panasonic plasma where for power on is needed long (about 2 seconds) press power on button in original remote. Is it possible to program this activity in URC macro ? Programming 3-4 power on codes one-by-one with 0sec delay doesn't work :(
I try direct Panasonic codes available in remote library but any cannot send such long power on command in one press (TH-42PY80P)
Post 2 made on Tuesday June 2, 2015 at 09:57
Long Time Member
December 2006
On May 31, 2015 at 08:02, edvin said...
I have Panasonic plasma where for power on is needed long (about 2 seconds) press power on button in original remote. Is it possible to program this activity in URC macro ? Programming 3-4 power on codes one-by-one with 0sec delay doesn't work :(
I try direct Panasonic codes available in remote library but any cannot send such long power on command in one press (TH-42PY80P)

My first thought is why does your TV require a 2-second power on command? Do you have to press and hold the power button for 2 seconds? Or when you quickly press and release the power button does it send a 2-second-long command?

How about when you turn the TV off - does it behave the same way?

I've installed or set up about 20 Panasonic Plasma TVs and Pro Monitors over the years and have never come across one that required holding the power button down for 2 seconds (whether it is discrete or toggle) so i'm wondering if there is an issue with your TV. I can't imagine that your Polish model would be any different than the US models.

If your original TV remote actually sends a 2-second command, try teaching it to the MX-450.
URC MX-890, MX-780, MX-450, R40, MX-500, Sony XBR-55X900E, Panny TC-P55ST60, Tivo Roamio Pro & Premiere & OTA, TWC Arris DVR, Onkyo 333 AVR, Roku Express 4K, Panasonic Blu-Ray
Post 3 made on Tuesday June 2, 2015 at 20:44
Select Member
August 2009
Multiple users in the JP1 world have modified the executor in their remote to send a 2 second Power signal to Panasonic TVs.  Both American and European users. Apparently at least some Panasonic TVs require this long duration signal.

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