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MX-500 >>> MX-850?
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Post 1 made on Saturday April 4, 2015 at 16:42
Lurking Member
April 2015
We're on our 2nd MX-500, but it's seen better days. The backlight is gone, something is rattling around inside. Time to get the replacement before the world comes to an end. I'd love to just buy a new MX-500 and do the programming dump--love that feature--but I can only find used ones. Is it possible to dump the programming of the MX-500 into other MX models, like the MX-850?
Post 2 made on Saturday April 4, 2015 at 17:28
Elite Member
April 2002
Sorry but no. The only model you can clone to is another mx-500 or mx-600. You'll find the power commands switched between mx500 and 600.
Post 3 made on Wednesday April 22, 2015 at 09:50
Long Time Member
December 2006
On April 4, 2015 at 16:42, Crizal said...
We're on our 2nd MX-500, but it's seen better days. The backlight is gone, something is rattling around inside. Time to get the replacement before the world comes to an end. I'd love to just buy a new MX-500 and do the programming dump--love that feature--but I can only find used ones. Is it possible to dump the programming of the MX-500 into other MX models, like the MX-850?

I've bought about a half-dozen used MX-500s on Ebay over the years and have never gotten a dud. It was my go-to remote when i did TV installs for friends and family, and i still use 3 of them in secondary rooms. I usually contact the seller and ask A. does the backlight work on the buttons and screen? B. Is the side Light key hard to press or easy to press? (it should be easy to press, but i have a few that are way too stiff). The MX-500 is a tank so as long as the picture shows it to be in good condition it should be fine.
URC MX-890, MX-780, MX-450, R40, MX-500, Sony XBR-55X900E, Panny TC-P55ST60, Tivo Roamio Pro & Premiere & OTA, TWC Arris DVR, Onkyo 333 AVR, Roku Express 4K, Panasonic Blu-Ray

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