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Uploaded a device file for the Xfinity X1 DVR box
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Post 1 made on Monday September 2, 2013 at 19:31
Lurking Member
February 2009
Configured for an MX-700 remote: [Link:]
Post 2 made on Thursday January 1, 2015 at 15:51
Lurking Member
January 2015
This was a lifesaver! Thank you so much for posting this. I've been searching for these codes for the last 24 hours. Works perfectly to replace the Comcast Xfinity XR2 version 2 remote and runs all functions on the Arris XG-1A cable box. I'm running on my MX700 remote without issues. I was absolutely unable to capture the IR codes directly from the XR2 remote.

One key observation for anyone else who may use these codes, I had to actually write the codes to my remote in order to test them. The software "Test" button did not work as it usually would with a "Learned" code. This lead me to believe the codes were not working until wrote them to the remote first and then success.
Post 3 made on Wednesday February 7, 2018 at 19:33
Lurking Member
February 2018
Not sure if anybody will notice since I'm posting on a 3-year old thread. But this is most relevant to my current situation so I'll try. I currently use an MX-600 and Rf20 in my current 3-room setup. Although both of these remotes are horribly out of date, they've worked for me for 10+ years (MX-600) and 6-7 years for the Rf20. Unfortunately, I will be soon upgrading to the X1 box from Xfinity (my box will be a Pace PX001ANM). These boxes use weird XMP IR codes. My understanding is that I'm out of luck with both of my remotes. I really don't want to spend a lot of money on a new remote, nor do I want to undertake a huge learning curve with a different brand just to add a cable box!

Based on the above, if I can get ahold of an MX-800 it looks like I could load it with the device file posted on this site and since it's got an almost identical layout to my existing MX-600, this is the best possible solution for me. Problem is, I don't have an MX-800 and although I could purchase a used one prettily easily, my understanding is that URC does not make the MXEditor software available to consumers. Does anybody have any advice?

I've already contacted the vendor from whom I purchased the MX-600 some 11 years ago, they are an authorized reseller (not sure what this site's policies are in mentioning vendors; I think I actually found them 11 years ago based on research I did on this very site). I'm just curious if this is even worth pursuing, given that the MX-800 is also very old (plus the software issue). I'm really up a creek on this one, so I'm posting in the hopes that someone can point me in the right direction on the MX-800 or else tell me I'm crazy. Thanks to anybody who is willing to take the time to respond.
Post 4 made on Thursday February 8, 2018 at 08:09
Elite Member
April 2002
If you can get a hold of mx-700, mx-800, mx-850, or even a NXG nx-rm820 remotes, you get the software for NXG, it will work on all the above models, here on Remote central files:

Post 5 made on Thursday February 8, 2018 at 11:28
Lurking Member
February 2018
Hi Edmund - thanks so much for your reply. If I read your post correctly that's great news!

One follow-up: My only experience to date with the Home Theater Master series remotes is the MX-600 which is not computer programmable. So I apologize if this seems like a silly follow-up question but without any prior experience hooking up these remotes to a computer or actually using the software, I want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding.

Are you saying that if I can find an MX-800 (easy enough), it does not matter if the seller does not supply the software that originally came with it, because I can just download the file you linked to above, and that software will work with the MX-800? If so, that is incredible - thank you! My next question would be, is there any way to determine system requirements for that software and also, how to use it? Again, I have no prior experience with remote programming software other than JP1 and that was many moons ago. I will do some research -- this site is great -- thanks again.
Post 6 made on Thursday February 8, 2018 at 18:16
Elite Member
April 2002
Yes, the above software will work on a mx-800 remote. These remotes are old, many found on a ebay will have non-working keys, or the RF circuitry has detached. If you can found one that claims to be new, I'll go with that over used remotes.

You're going to have to get use to button placement, on the pc programmable remotes, the play key is at the bottom of the cursor pad, unlike on the mx-600 being on top.
Post 7 made on Thursday February 8, 2018 at 18:26
Lurking Member
February 2018
Thanks Edmund. Good point about used remotes. I definitely need the RF capabilities so I will try to find one that's new(ish). Interesting about the "play" key. I also have an Rf20 remote and the Play key is on the bottom. I admit I prefer it on top, but if that's the only difference (besides loss of the global M1/M2/M3 keys) I'll take it. My next task is to confirm, before purchasing an MX-800, that it will actually work with my X1 Set Top Box for which I was provided an XR11 remote. The .MXD file I found on this site is 4 years old and confirmed to work with the XR2; I am not sure if the XR11 uses the same device code 195. I started a new thread to pose that question.
Post 8 made on Thursday February 8, 2018 at 21:30
Elite Member
April 2002
I can tell you for sure that NXG software will not have Comcast code you need preprogrammed. Your only hope is the file in Original Post.
Post 9 made on Thursday April 14, 2022 at 23:56
Junior Member
April 2022
Hi all, attaching here as relevant. I have an MX-700 that came with the B&K reference 50 i just purchased off of CL. having issues learing the codes from the remote that came with Xfinity X1. I think its called an XR15?

In any case, i put the remote in IR mode (press A + D, then enter 987). I was able to learn all the button codes except CH+, Xfinity menu btn, and select btn. I tried with two different xfinity remotes same thing. It seems that the MX-700 cant learn these specific IR codes. Anyone had luck with this? I think that none of the downloaded universal codes from the remotes library (for comcast) contain these updated codes for XR-15.

Post 10 made on Friday August 18, 2023 at 01:59
Founding Member
August 2001
Same problem here.

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