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Wire Tester Certifier
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Post 1 made on Wednesday September 13, 2017 at 19:12
Loyal Member
November 2007
Hey guys,

In the last couple of weeks I've seen a couple of threads about techs needing a decent tester/certifier.  Since I'm strictly doing the wed design thing now, I no longer have a use for this one.

Here's the story on it. I've had this unit for about 4 years. I purchased it for a large 80 camera installation we did. I used it to test about 10 long lines, put it back in it's case, and there it's sat ever since. I paid about $450 for it new. I'd take $200 + shipping if it helps someone out...As you can see, this thing doesn't have a mark on it.  You download software from their website if you want to do certification.  It's a nice little tool.

Byte Brothers Real World Certifier is the model.

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