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Post 1 made on Sunday November 14, 1999 at 21:18
Historic Forum Post
I have SONY A4's in stock. this is the last model that will support IR and RF at the same time 389.00
OP | Post 2 made on Thursday November 18, 1999 at 06:55
Historic Forum Post
Hi Waye,
The Sony A50 does support IR and RF operation at the same time. Good Luck.
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday January 15, 2000 at 14:24
Historic Forum Post
What are you asking for the A4's? Am looking for an inexpensive second reciever.
OP | Post 4 made on Sunday January 16, 2000 at 17:56
Historic Forum Post
Do you have any A4 units left and if so how much?
OP | Post 5 made on Tuesday January 18, 2000 at 09:34
billy c
Historic Forum Post
Hi folks........have the following SONY DSS items, on special pricing; 1999 items, 1 sat-ad4 w/ dolby ac-3, ir and uhf, was open box unit, complete dual lnb system $349, 1 sat-ad3, ir and uhf, non-dolby ac-3, receiver only, (same as AD-4, but w/o ac-3 dolby ) demo,w/factory remote and manuals, not in factory carton , $199, and NEW model yr 2000 item, 1 sat-a50 , w dolby ac-3, ir and uhf remote, was open box unit,complete dual lnb system $369......all units are sold 'as-new', in original factory cartons,unless specified otherwise , with new HU access cards, NOT the 'H ' cards that may have been originally supplied on the 1999 units, and that are currently used in piracy schames....older H cards have been returned to directv for newer HU cards, thus the reason for the open boxes in some factory warranty from sony, all items FOB everett ma., and all have been TESTED for performance and perfect functionability ......these are not "B "stock items , but are in fact brand new items , never sold to the general public....please E mail me directly if interested, or call my you all know, the SONY DSS PRODUCTS are the state of the art in satellite technology today, until the new elliptical and plus receivers become plentiful from the supply stream.....thanx everyone
billy c
northeast satcomm div
comco sales grp
everett ma 02149
617 394-9192
617 394-0281 fax

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