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Universal Remote MX-850 & Denon AVR-2807 Receiver
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Post 1 made on Tuesday May 23, 2006 at 21:06
Lurking Member
May 2006
I just purchased the new Denon AVR-2807 receiver and am looking to setup my Universal MX-850 remote to control it. Does anyone have the Component Configuration Files for this device? Thanks, Steve
Steve Overbeek
Post 2 made on Wednesday May 24, 2006 at 08:42
Advanced Member
September 2004
You might want to
1. Post this in the Universal Remote Control Forum
2. Search the FILES section at the top then go to MX remotes then componenet configuration then DENON...

You'll find these

Its just that you've posted in the maketplace....which is for sale item...

The 2805 should have the same codes, otherwise check this


Remember, If they work, a thank you they worked, thank you but they didnt would be helpful....

Also it may come in a different form than your used to, if so a little searching and reading goes a long way.....

Be prepared to be picked on a little if you ask to remedial a question and especially in the wrong forum..........

Good luck
If you can't be good, be good at it.

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