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Topic: | iPronto Power Button This thread has 2 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Monday May 5, 2003 at 15:01 |
electroport Lurking Member |
Does anyone know if the iPronto Power Button does anything? I have pressed and prodded it, held it down, tried to slide it, with and without AC power attached, and it does nothing. I have the latest 1.32 FW and I was just curious if this button is supposed to work or if it is just for show?
Post 2 made on Monday May 5, 2003 at 16:15 |
dthunt Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | April 2003 18 |
It's sole purpose seems to be as the "come alive" button when you select "Turn on With Power Button Only" on the config screen. The only way to shut it off is by setting the preferred "stay on" interval also on the config screen. However, the firmware is so shaky that that only works half the time. I have mine set to .5 minutes when connected or disconnected from AC and I often have come home at the end of a day to see the display on, connected or not. Sometimes it goes off, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it just comes on by itself.
OP | Post 3 made on Monday May 5, 2003 at 16:26 |
electroport Lurking Member |
Thanks for the response. At least I wasn't going crazy. And I have more than enough other issues with the less than stellar iProntoEdit software finding the iPronto only 10% of the time, maybe, the EPG never upgrading completely ever, and that requirement that each button on a device be set to a unique action even when the code is learned if you don't want multiple buttons learning the same code at the same time. I like the potential of this unit, and I am not looking to give up on it, but it needs a lot of work given its price tag. Thanks again!
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