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Erratic X-10 Signal Performance
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Post 1 made on Tuesday January 18, 2005 at 15:12
Lurking Member
September 2004
I have used both a TS1000 and a TSU7000 to successfully control X-10 devices in the past but I just can't seem to be able to get the iPronto to perform reliably. Probably operator error but he commands, particularly the "All Off" code are driving me crazy. Here's a "for instance."

Last night, when I shut down my home theater system, the last command sent was "All Off" to the lights. They all went off. This morning, the "All Off" does not work. I've tried the two built in X-10 code sets (both seem to be "All On" signals) as well as learning the "All Off" command from the TSU7000. None seem to be reliable.

I am using all 256 X-10 codes and an IR-543-AH.

Other than the X-10 issue, the iPronto seems to be working like a jewel. Unfortunately, X-10 control is very important so any and all suggestions will be appreciated. I seem to be in the "doing the same thing over and over expecting different results" rut.
Mike T

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