Get a real cheap PC and you cand do the job. The PC would receive IR from the iPronto. The PC would then drive what ever it is you want to drive. My entire Home Theater works this way. I chose to use a single protocol in the iPronto and built (have a program that does that) all of the necessary "Paste files" in standard ipronto notation to paste into the iPronto. I use the standard NEC IR protocol which is very popular. The reason i chose it is because there is an inexpensive receiver (about $40) that fully decodes NEC protocol into ASCII giving the device code (up to 16K devices) and the key code up to 128 keys. There is no pattern matching invoilved as required with some more general (multi protocol) IR receivers.
On the outbound (RS232 side) you migh have to write some code. I already have all of the code done for what is called the CM11A powerline contoller wgich might work fine for your UP8. The CM11A is an X10 protocol device.
I am in the process of just packaging up the program for distribution (beta version). it includes a full language for logic (if then else, case, and subroutines). Based upon the IR received it executes a program that is written in the simple language and issues either X10 commands through the CM11A, IR commands through a Nirvis Slinke, or RS232 commands out an available Serial port or ports.
If you are interested in this approach i suggested reviewing the information at my web site ( and/or drop me a line at
[email protected].
It has been working for over three years in my HT.