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iPronto version 1.8.2 available for download
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Post 1 made on Monday December 13, 2004 at 07:27
Philips Remote Controls
September 2003
Dear iPronto user,

Did you ever wanted to download your ICF files without the need of a WiFi network?
Then here is the solution:
iPronto version 1.8.2 available for download now, activates the MMC slot to make it possible to up- and download your ICF files using any MMC card.
To use all features, it is advised to use the accompanying iProntoEdit version 2.5.2.
More information can be found at

How to use this update is detailed in the MMC addendum:

The Philips Pronto Team
Post 2 made on Monday December 13, 2004 at 08:33
Long Time Member
October 2003
Thanks Pronto team, always nice to see new functionality.

Don't wish to sound like a total bore but i'm missing the point a little here. As the iPronto has only ever been updateable via 802.11b then it must mean that every owner has wireless networking already.

Surely all this does is allow you to sell the product to a wider audience without delivering any REAL functionality improvements to the existing userbase.

There has been loads of 'what next' posts on this channel, any chance of comments from the team? (you don't have to give us dates, just a suggestion of what we can expect...)
Post 3 made on Monday December 13, 2004 at 10:51
Long Time Member
September 2004
it must mean that every owner has wireless networking

Wireless networking is already necessary for EPG automatic update :( :(
Post 4 made on Monday December 13, 2004 at 10:54
Long Time Member
September 2004
Does anyone , here, has tested the new firmware and last IprontoEdit version ?
Post 5 made on Tuesday December 14, 2004 at 00:05
Long Time Member
March 2003
While personally, this change is not important to me, there was a time when I was having major wireless issues in my house and I would have given anything to be able to have an alternative method to upload/download. I also think anything that adds value to this product that will generate more sales is beneficial to all of us that have already invested $$$$ in this unit. And lastly, come's only fair to give credit for pronto team for continuing to try to make this product live up to all the promises. They've (finally) come through on one of the promises made on day one. Thanks pronto team. Now.... Please don't take as long between enhancements.......
Post 6 made on Tuesday December 14, 2004 at 03:23
Long Time Member
August 2004
Its great to see some new functionality, so thanks to the Pronto team.

Of course if the real aim was simply to provide an alterntive form of loading then enabling the USB port for this purpose would have been a better bet. However isn't it more likely that this is a first step to using a MMC card for some other purpose? Maybe viewing photographs? Or playing MP3 files? Or maybe this will be a way of allowing bigger applications than are currently possible in the iPronto's memory - I'm thinking ideas like a UPNP client capabilty to work with Streamium products? Or maybe a configuration wizard similar to the new RC9800, so that no PC would be required for programming?

So, Pronto Team, please don't stop developing the iPronto, its a great product that so many of us believe in, we just want it to fulfill its potential!
Post 7 made on Tuesday December 14, 2004 at 06:12
Long Time Member
February 2003
I agree with dvwebster. This enhancement isn't hugely useful to me personally, but I can see how it would benefit some NEW purchasers. How many paople were posting here in the early days that they hadn't realised that you needed a WiFi stup just to use the iPronto at all? At least everyone now has a way to program their iPronto, with or without WiFi (cardreaders are a lot cheaper and easier to set up)! It's good to see development going on, and I think that it may indeed be a first step towards more use of the MMC slot. Fingers crossed.

Thanks team!
Post 8 made on Tuesday December 14, 2004 at 06:36
Long Time Member
February 2004
To iPronto Team:

Any chance that a future upgrade could be made so that the iPronto wifi network slot could support the fitting of 802.11g wifi cards?

I ask because I now have a completely upgraded 802.11g wifi network and the ONLY element that still uses the slower 'b' standard is the iPronto. This means that I have to put my wifi router in mixed b/g mode and this reduces the overall network performance. If iPronto could be made to work with an 802.11g wifi card, then I could switch off support for 802.11b in the router.

Post 9 made on Tuesday December 14, 2004 at 10:52
Long Time Member
February 2003
Of course, if money is no object, the newer routers work dynamically, so they don't slow the whole network down to the speed of the slowest item. Each individual connection works at the highest speed it can.

On 12/14/04 06:36 ET, nrmsmith said...
To iPronto Team:

Any chance that a future upgrade could be made
so that the iPronto wifi network slot could support
the fitting of 802.11g wifi cards?

I ask because I now have a completely upgraded
802.11g wifi network and the ONLY element that
still uses the slower 'b' standard is the iPronto.
This means that I have to put my wifi router
in mixed b/g mode and this reduces the overall
network performance. If iPronto could be made
to work with an 802.11g wifi card, then I could
switch off support for 802.11b in the router.

Post 10 made on Tuesday December 14, 2004 at 10:54
Long Time Member
September 2004
Any chance that a future upgrade could be made
so that the iPronto wifi network slot could support
the fitting of 802.11g wifi cards?

And I noted that, in France, it's quite impossible to find an WiFi AP in "B mode only"
All the AP are in G mode and very often, their B mode is not fully understood by the Ipronto (It's from my personal experience with .. threee different AP !!)
Post 11 made on Tuesday December 14, 2004 at 17:22
Lurking Member
December 2004
hi pronto team, many thanks for this leap forward! Even though I won't ever use it, i am genuinily pleased to see Philips unlocking hardware functionality of existing products to the benefit of existing users. I only wish they would release these updates a bit quicker....

PS - And for those who'd like to enjoy the full benefit of a "G"speed network and still able to use the ipronto: Get a "B" AP, and add it to your network, set your G to G only, and have your ipronto communicate with the B AP....

Post 12 made on Thursday December 30, 2004 at 19:58
Lurking Member
December 2004
Has anyone had problems since the update? My screen does not turn back on after it goes to sleep. I hear the click when I touch the screen but the screen isn't coming on. Also, it can't be turned off once it is turned on after sleeping. I basically have to reset it when I want to use it, and every day the battery is dead becasue when it comes on to update in the AM, it won't turn off.
Post 13 made on Saturday January 8, 2005 at 06:08
Founding Member
September 2001
On 12/30/04 19:58 ET, Magellan said...
Has anyone had problems since the update? My
screen does not turn back on after it goes to
sleep. I hear the click when I touch the screen
but the screen isn't coming on. Also, it can't
be turned off once it is turned on after sleeping.
I basically have to reset it when I want to use
it, and every day the battery is dead becasue
when it comes on to update in the AM, it won't
turn off.

Same here before the update it work ok.

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