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Lexicon Preamp and Proceed DVD icf
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Post 1 made on Friday November 14, 2003 at 12:04
Lurking Member
November 2003
I am new to this and just finished programming an ipronto for a doctor friend of mine. I created some new buttons using a graphics program called RealDraw Pro. (I have used Photoshop for years but found this much less expensive program to be better suited for quickly making buttons and graphics for this particular application) Their website is [Link:]
Don't mean to plug them if it's not appropriate here but it's a great prog for only $55 USD.
One of the standard export formats is PNG transparent.

Two of the screens I made are here:

and the icf file is here: [Link:]

I think the ipronto is a pretty cool device and this is my first time to program something like this. I did it as a favor because my friend has had it for 4 months and had a few people try to set it up for him and were not successful. I have not delved into the macro functions as of yet but we're going to give that a shot on Sunday.

My background is in website and graphic design and after figuring out that the underlying structure of the ipronto program was xml, it kinda made more sense. And reading this forum was particularly helpful as it made me aware of possible problems before they "ate my lunch". So a big thanks to all who post here!

I am creating more custom pages for my friends components and if anyone would like them just email me at:
[email protected]

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