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Harmony Sony XBR-75X900F
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Post 1 made on Thursday February 29, 2024 at 02:00
Junior Member
February 2024
Hi. I have a Sony XBR-75X900F tv. I had an arris remote that worked well but after the tv was off for awhile, the tv wouldn't turn on. I recently received a harmony elite remote and the same issue is happening. The screen on the remote shows the activity running but the tv is still off. I use the sony remote to turn on the tv and everything else on the harmony remote works. Sometimes the tv turns on with the harmony remote but usually if the tv was turned off just shortly before. I tried holding the off button on the harmony remote until the tv turns off and the remote screen cycles back until the activity screen comes back on. Because this issue happened on both remotes, is there a setting in the sony tv that i need to change?

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