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Harmony 665 & new Sony A80K
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Post 1 made on Tuesday December 13, 2022 at 22:05
Junior Member
December 2022
Hi - got my new A80K, Denon 660H all setup with the Harmony 665. The power up for each activity works great. Everybody turns on as expected and my AVR always goes to the correct input(just a eARC for TV and my blu-ray player. No other devices or gaming systems). My issue is that my A80K will not change inputs using Activities. I have to manually change the TVs inputs using the Harmony & commands specifically for the Sony TV.

Ive tried all of the usual suspects like delays(those are acting weird though), different power up sequences of gear and a few other Harmony options like device setup "My unit doesnt switch to the right input" stuff. Just doesnt work. It is only the input switching that isnt working. And, since I can do it using the remote(manual steps) I know its not an IR thing or whatever. The commands are there but using an Acitivity the input changes simply dont occur. Thanks for any insight here.
Post 2 made on Friday January 26, 2024 at 21:14
Junior Member
January 2024
Hi, did you ever get a solution fir this? I have the same problem with my Harmony 650 and my new Sony TV. I had to map one of the soft buttons to “HDMI 2” and manually click that every time I want to watch the Roku.


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