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Panasonic Blu-ray player DMP-BD75
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Post 1 made on Friday July 7, 2023 at 23:30
Junior Member
July 2023

I'm looking for IR codes to control a Panasonic Blu-ray player, model: DMP-BD75? I've not been able to get any of the similar models already on this site to work.

Note: I think I should point out I'm not looking to program a universal remote with these codes. Instead I'm trying to setup a Raspberry Pi produce the IR signals. I've tested the other side of the setup by successfully sending IR signals to a Samsung DVD player from the Pi - so I think the hardware is all working. However I've not had such luck sending to the Panasonic.

I received the Blu-ray player from a friend who was throwing it out. It works (plays discs) but didn't come with a remote. All I really want to do with the Raspbery Pi remote control is get into its config menu and turn on HDMI-CEC so the TV can control it.

From the library of remote codes here I downloaded the Panasonic DMP-BD30 Hex Codes and used the PRONTO2LIRC script to convert them to LIRC format - but didn't work. But then I read maybe things in the Linux IR world have changed and it needs to be in a different format - so I converted it to a TOML format - but again that didn't work.

I do have a sneaking feeling that Panasonic IR remotes use a different format/modulation which which primitive IR sending hardware can't do. But I figured if I could find anyone with know working IR codes for this exact model of player... just in case!
Post 2 made on Tuesday October 31, 2023 at 08:36
John McМ
Junior Member
October 2023
I'm looking for this too

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