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Sony BDP-CX7000ES Laser Lens Optical Pick-up Replacement
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Post 1 made on Tuesday June 12, 2018 at 14:16
Select Member
March 2004
Over the past couple months I've added 4 additional Sony BDP-CX7000ES 400-disc Blu-ray players to my setup. They're the ones sitting on top of each of my A/V stands. Paid $700 on average for each. Not bad considering the 7000ES originally retailed for well over twice that.

That being said, a couple of the units couldn't play DVD's at all and had trouble at times playing Blu-rays. Replaced the KES-430A Laser Lens Optical Pick-up in each which resolved the issue.

Both units play anything I throw at them now. For anyone interested feel free to check out my post over at AVSForum here where I document the steps required to replace the optical pick-up.

In the same thread on the next page I provide a brief overview of how I catalog the contents of my changers, browse my collection as a whole, then initiating playback of a given disc. You can find that post here.

There's also the self-contained activity I created for my Pronto remote called "DVD Juke". It provides for browsing my collection by cover image right on the screen of the remote, then initiating playback of a given disc. My dedicated thread here at Remote Central for that can be found here.

Last edited by Lowpro on May 8, 2021 12:21.
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OP | Post 2 made on Wednesday March 25, 2020 at 01:49
Select Member
March 2004
Purchased my 12th and 13th Sony Blu-ray changers the other day. Both needed their optical pick-up's swapped out. Both working good as new now. Using one as a spare. Integrated the other one with my setup.

Also added more switch gear (HDMI/IR/RS-232) to my Salamander A/V stand which can accomodate up to 16 changers now. Salamander offers as 41" extension for the A/V stand. For the time being I've just stacked changers 7-12 on top of the stand. :-P

(Click here for a behind-the-scenes look at the above.)

Last edited by Lowpro on March 25, 2020 01:57.
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OP | Post 3 made on Friday May 8, 2020 at 15:58
Select Member
March 2004
I updated my Sony Blu-ray changer setup last night. Really pleased with the end result. Thought I'd share. Purchased a 20 port serial switch which has replaced all the switch gear I was using prior. (Well, minus the HDMI switches of course.) Far more breathing room in the back of the cabinet now after pulling out the 2 IR routers, 3 RS-232 routers, 2 RS422 to RS232 converters in addition to the 7 power supplies I was using to power all of that. It's a beautiful thing. Eye candy provided below. Enjoy!

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OP | Post 4 made on Friday November 6, 2020 at 10:12
Select Member
March 2004
I've been wanting to expand my Salamander Synergy Twin 40 cabinet for a while now, so that each changer has its own shelf. Having 6 of them stacked on top of the cabinet isn't exactly ideal, especially in the event I need to work on one of them. I also have 3 additional changers I purchased for future expansion with no good place to put them.

The great thing about these Salamander Synergy cabinets is that they're modular, so the plan was to convert the Twin 40 to a Triple 40, then adding a Twin 40 extension. This would accomodate all 15 changers. Over the past couple months I acquired everything I needed. Spent the weekend before last putting my plan into action. Below is the end result prior to installing the doors.

And here's what the cabinet looks like with the doors installed prior to painting the lower doors black. (Purchased the lower 3 doors used for less than what 1 new door would have cost me.)


Update (11/06/2020): Salamander Synergy upgrade completed.

Finally got around to spray painting the used doors I had bought. Ended up only needing one coat.

And here's what they look like installed. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.

Doors opened:

Doors closed:

Feels great to finally get this project knocked out. Physical media for the win baby! 👍

(For those interested I've got a post over at that goes into more detail. Additional images are included as well. You can find that post here.)
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Post 5 made on Saturday December 26, 2020 at 21:31
Junior Member
September 2020
Great post. Thanks! Please post your favorite online stores to order replacement lasers for your cx7000es. I have two. One got a new laser and is still working great. The other one got a new laser but it stopped working. Then I swapped in the laser from my test bed BDP-S360 player. This player was working great but after putting its laser in my cx7000es, it plays CDs and DVDs solidly but only very rarely plays a blu-ray. The interesting thing is that it can keep playing a blu ray for hours only to call it an invalid disc when loading the same disc in the same slot on another occasion.
Post 6 made on Monday January 10, 2022 at 12:27
Junior Member
December 2021
Wow- you're quite the fan of these players. =)
I have the SONY BDP-CX960 but it didn't have the remote with and I didn't realize how useless it would be without it. I've tried at least a dozen different remotes to get it to work. Even one from China that specifically says it will work with my model and it still didn't. The guy who sold it only said it should work so I'll refund you. Gave me no reason why it didn't or even offer a replacement. And the only original I can find costs more than I paid for the player. I got the Sony RMT-B103A to use as someone in a different thread recommended it. But when I press a button on it the screen on my disc player comes up bd3. That's all it does. I assume that refers to command 3... someone on that same thread gave me directions for changing the command but it only works with a working remote. They also suggested asking you. So do you buy chance know how I can change the command code from the player directly, without a remote? Or maybe how to change the remote that's not OEM and doesn't have the "BD" button on it? Or if you know of another remote for a reasonable price that will work with this player?
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks

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