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Charter Universal Remote - HT-J5500W Samsung Home Theatre
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Post 1 made on Friday August 5, 2016 at 20:21
Lurking Member
August 2016
Ok, so I'm not coming into this totally blind.

What I've gathered from serious google-fu is that pretty much all of these universal remotes work the same. However, I'm having issues keymoving the ok/select button and getting it to work with this home theater. I've managed to get the ok/select button to: "Refresh"?, it seems to do a soft reset. I've had it "volume down", that one gave me a chuckle. And I've had it mute, it did that with a couple different codes.

Alas, however, it won't do a proper Ok/Select. I've got the arrows and power (maybe more) to work with #31295, but only a small few that start with 0 or 2 seem to affect the Ok/Select button specifically.

I have a Charter 1060BC3 (0780-001-R) Universal Remote. The Home theater is a HT-J5500W crappy surround system (no optical audio, ewww). Anyone else be able to shed some light on this problem?

So many forums have had other Samsung home theater solutions that finally worked for them, hoping I'm next. For what it's worth I've tried all the Samsung BD codes found on Charter's site. 10812, 10702, 10060, 20199, 31868, 10766, 20573, 11903, 22069, 11060, 21075, 20240, 31295, 31500, 22329, 22369, 21470, 22489, 01877, 21044, 20820, 10650, 10814, 22556, 10178, 20490, 20045, 01982, 31304, 20744. It's possible I skipped one or two by improperly configuring it due to the hassle of it all, but I'm sure I successfully entered at least 90% of those.

What's great is after this I get to find the LG TV code that works for OK/Select next...I tried the top 3 and they left me hanging. Yay :(.
Post 2 made on Saturday August 6, 2016 at 11:21
Active Member
December 2002
You're on the right track. But the reason OK doesn't work is because by default it's always locked to the Cable TV device on that remote. So no matter what code you choose, it still won't work. We can get around this by assigning it to the correct device like so with setup code 31295 on AUX and the appropriate EFC or Magic Code.

Press AUX, hold Setup for 2 blinks, 994, tap Setup followed quickly by 00184, OK (2 blinks)

For your LG, use setup code 10178 on TV and the steps above with 00164 instead of 00184 and TV instead of AUX.

FYI, the first digit of each setup codes specifies its device type: 1 = TV, 2 = DVD/DVR, 3 = Audio

Alternately, you could unlock channel lock like so: Hold Setup for 2 blinks, 973, CH-. But this means you'll need to be in CBL mode to operate the cable box.
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday August 6, 2016 at 19:07
Lurking Member
August 2016
OMG that's the code!!! Thank you! I did know about and attempt the 9-9-4 'keymoving', but after like 20 codes and not finding one that made the ok/select button actually OK and or SELECT, I went to the forums. Thank you again sir! I'm so excited that worked that I haven't tried the TV yet. I'll give it a shot right now!

Edit: The second LG code for the keymoving works. I have a functional remote! Yay!
Post 4 made on Saturday August 6, 2016 at 20:36
Active Member
December 2002
Awesome. Glad it worked.

If you need any more, post back. We have all the Magic codes and know these remotes inside and out.

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