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Sony cx-995v Laser replacement DBU-3 Instruction Not Clear
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Post 1 made on Sunday June 7, 2015 at 19:15
Long Time Member
January 2009
I have a few Sony cx-995v units one of them has started failing to read some disc that I put in the unit. Doesn't matter if they are new or backups. The unit only had 2800 hours according the the usage log found by entering the "Start Testing Mode" b pressing Top Menu, Clear, Power in sequence.

I searched this forum and found a discussion on replacement laser DBU-3. I ordered it from The unit per it's label the same model as the one I removed...

I installed the laser in the player however the laser doesn't emit any light like the original nor does the disc spin. I removed the unit and reinstalled the old unit. It spun the disc and emitted light. I swapped back and forth a few times with same result..

Looking at the website there is a vague instruction.

Since the laser diode of this parts assembly is treated to prevent itself from electrostatic breakdown,make sure to remove the solder.

Can anyone explain where to remove solder or share what they did to get their replacement laser unit working ????
Post 2 made on Monday June 8, 2015 at 00:02
Elite Member
April 2002
Try asking here:

OP | Post 3 made on Monday June 8, 2015 at 22:08
Long Time Member
January 2009
Edmund, many thanks I will try there
OP | Post 4 made on Thursday June 11, 2015 at 21:32
Long Time Member
January 2009
If anyone has a picture or photo of the location of the solder pad I would appreciate it...... So far no luck on any forum
Post 5 made on Saturday January 27, 2018 at 22:44
Lurking Member
January 2018
I'm in the process of replacing the laser on this unit myself, and according to the sony service manual for this product, on one of the boards on the laser unit, there should be two fairly large solder points between the two ribbon cables on the board. The blueprint has the solder point location labeled as "SL001," but i have not confirmed this label on my unit yet. According to the manual, when you solder those two points together, it protects the board from ESD (electro-static discharge). The manual recommends soldering those two points together during service. Then, after servicing, but prior to testing, you MUST remove the solder from those points. Failure to do so may (probably will) result in inoperation of the unit.

Had I not just read that part in the service manual, i wouldve been confused by that instruction too.

I hope this helps. PM me your email if you'd like me to send you a screenshot of the section of the service manual that shows this. It might help with the location of the two solder points on the board.

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