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RESOLVED: No TV channels from Toshiba RD-XS54 HD/DVD Player
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Post 1 made on Sunday September 26, 2010 at 19:11
Long Time Member
March 2004
I'm not getting TV channels from my HD/DVD player to my TV.
Cable line is in the coax input.
Component cable from players output to TV input.

I have my cable line from the wall to the player and not going through a cable box and have gone through the setup on the player stating that it is connected to cable service but not a cable box.

I can get TV channels within the TV guide just fine in the upper left hand corner but full screen is blank.
When I start up a DVD disk, I get video fine.
Then when I turn the DVD disk off I will get a TV channel until I try to turn the channel and then the screen goes blank.

I’m also not getting any TV guide lineup at all.

Not sure what is going on here.

Any answers out there?


Last edited by Debbie25 on September 26, 2010 19:36.
OP | Post 2 made on Sunday September 26, 2010 at 19:36
Long Time Member
March 2004
I found the solution....

I was going through the players complete setup and went into the 'Guide and Clock reset'.

The system reset the clock and shut itself off.

I turned it back on and I now have TV channels.
I will now have to turn it off for at least 24 hrs to see if it downloads the TV guide.

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