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LG BD590 IR Sensor Behind Drop Down Door
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Post 1 made on Monday March 29, 2010 at 17:59
Bruce Barrington
Long Time Member
June 2002
I just had a WTF moment installing an LG BD590 Blu-ray player. The IR sensor is behind the drop down door on the front panel. How do I mount the IR emitter? If I mount it on the door it will surely fall off. If I mount it behind the door the door won't close. I hope I am just being stupid about this. Any help would be much appreciated.

Post 2 made on Saturday April 3, 2010 at 18:41
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Rather horrible design, and no IR-in jack like LG sometimes does to compensate.

This might be one of those situations where you want to open the case to install it. Otherwise, you could try putting it on the door (fed from below) with enough slack to handle the door opening/closing.
Post 3 made on Monday April 5, 2010 at 22:16
Advanced Member
February 2003
Open the case and put it in there. Kind of a pain but worth it. The 550 has a drop down door as well but you can close the door so it works out. Clean look and the buttons behind the door won't ever be used. I have just hot glued it to the front of flip downs on the Samsung and they haven't been a problem.

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