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PS3 Remote w/on-off!!
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Post 1 made on Monday November 10, 2008 at 22:22
Active Member
August 2003
Not sure if you have seen this yet but it works and its cool. I had a feeling keeping my PS2 remote would pay off:)

PS3 Remote Control Adapter - Use your PS3 with any infra-red remote control.

There are two products here, the standard H-PS3IR and the H-PS3IR-PRO model PS3 Remote Control Adapter. The standard PS3 remote control adapter has all the PlayStation PS3 buttons that are needs but does not turn the PS3 model off and on, whereas the PRO model does.

The PS3 Remote Control Adapter plugs into the PS3 USB port. The look is sleek. It follows the contours of the front of the PS3 and has the same shiny black surface. When installed, it looks just like it is part of the PS3.

If your PS3 is inside a cabinet or not line of sight you can buy the above USB extension cable to connect the unit(s) to the PS3 further away.

NOTE: Your remote control must have the PS2 code installed in it or can be downloaded into it. Check your manual before you order it. Also the adapter does not work with RF operated remotes.
You can now use the following remote controls with your PlayStation PS3:
Any Harmony remote control with the PlayStation PS2 code installed
Any Universal Remote Controls remote control with the PlayStation PS2 code installed
Any Sony remote control with the PlayStation PS2 code installed
Any Philips Pronto remote control with the PlayStation PS2 code installed
Any Monster remote control with the PlayStation PS2 code installed
Any TV remote control with the PlayStation PS2 code installed
Any universal remote control with the PlayStation PS2 code installed
The PS3 Remote Control Adapter accepts PS2 compatible IR commands and converts them to PS3 game controller key presses via the USB port. Plug it in just works!All you have to do is just program your universal remote control for the Sony PS2 mode.

NOTE: The H-PS3IR model will not turn the PS3 ON or OFF since the PS3 firmware doesn't enable this function for USB devices. If you want full control of the PS3 please purchase the below PRO model.

Setup is easy. To setup the Logitech Harmony Remote, simply connect the remote to a computer. Set up an "Activity" and "Device" and chose "Sony PlayStation 2". Don't choose Sony PlayStation 3 as universal remotes do not use Bluetooth, choosing the PS3 won't work and even Logitech says that the remote will not work. Choosing the PS2 also gives that message but ignore this message as their database is a bit outdated. If you are using a more complex and advanced controller, you are able to enter HEX codes to your controller.

Do not mistake this device with other competing products. This one actually works. This device is specially tuned for trouble free operation. It will work flawlessly right away, even when navigating using the arrow keys.

The H-PS3IR-PRO provides the same functionality as the PS3 BD remote control with the added ability to accept standard IR commands. These IR commands are converted to Bluetooth packets that are sent to the PS3. This new device will easily make your PS3 compatible with all IR universal remote controls like Harmony, Universal Remote Control, etc.
H-PS3IR-PRO PS3 Remote Control Adapter Features:
Supports all 51 PS3 remote keys including the PS key and Power ON/OFF The firmware can be upgraded via the web.
USB port for future expansion and firmware updates
Uses the same rock solid IR decode firmware as our other products
The Pro does not ship with a power cable. You can use a USB A to mini B cable to hook it up to a DVR or over device with powered USB ports, or you can buy a seperate wall charger with a mini B USB connector (Motorola and Blackberry phone chargers are a good match).
Externally powered via the USB port
It does not need to be located with the PS3. It is not physically connected to the PS3 in any way
Built-in IR receiver
Removable screw terminal block for wiring up hardwired IR commands (such as “IR Blaster”)
Very low power consumption
Special “Start + Enter” Bluetooth discovery mode generated by holding down the display key.
Very easy to install
Fully compatible with standard PS2 IR commands (PS3 color keys are mapped to unused PS2 codes)
Additional custom features can be easily added in the future by downloading new firmware from the web.
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