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HDMI Cables - is there a difference?
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Post 1 made on Tuesday October 21, 2008 at 01:42
Founding Member
November 2001
I'm getting ready to take the plunge into High Def and have noticed a huge difference in the price of HDMI cables. Is there a difference in quality as far as the picture quality when using the more expensive cables or does anyone really see much difference? I've seen 3 foot cables for $13 and others around $150. I'm sure there are more expensive cable available, as well.

What are your opinions?

Post 2 made on Tuesday October 21, 2008 at 11:28
Long Time Member
September 2006
No difference but some will swear there is. Just make sure you get a cable that will pass 1.3 version of HDMI.
Post 3 made on Tuesday October 21, 2008 at 11:41
Senior Member
April 2004
Yes there is a difference. Some of the 1.3 cables are 25' long, but are only certified for 1.5'. It has to do with the bandwidth the cable can pass across its entire length. Some cables have built in amps, some are passive, some use copper conductors some use silver plated copper (silver is a better conductor), etc. Not all cables are created equal, you will start noticing this easier as bluray players are becoming higher and higher bitrate for a wider range of colors and black level detail.
Post 4 made on Tuesday October 21, 2008 at 21:20
Ultimate Member
May 2001
yes and no. Once you have a good cable, there is no difference, but there are cables that are not good enough. It is not that the cables are bad (you get nothing on the display) even though it can happen but with different devices they don't work as well and you get artefacting. After all HDMI is digital and if all the 1s and 0s are passed correctly in the right timing nothing else matters.
Post 5 made on Wednesday October 22, 2008 at 22:14
Senior Member
April 2008
If you want to be sure and you have deep pockets buy a monster one you know IT WILL WORK.. Doing lots of testing on different cables, have to say under 3 foot it seems any cable will work, but get to thoses longer lengths.. go monster..

and i dont work for monster
Pronto still one of the best Wi-Fi Remotes, and [Link:] Axium Control
Post 6 made on Thursday October 23, 2008 at 09:03
Active Member
August 2003

This may help explain a few things.
Post 7 made on Saturday November 15, 2008 at 00:20
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
i am using two $30 35' HDMI cables in my family room. One is for a DirecTv HR21 receiver going to my Samsung LCD. And the other is for my 400 disc sony dvd player going to the tv. The receiver and dvd player are both located in the basement under the stairs. I have no issues at all using these cheap cables.

Now when I add a Bluray player, I might have to rethink this situation. But for these 1080i sources, I'm glad that I didnt waste my money on more expensive cables.

i bought them from btw
Post 8 made on Sunday November 16, 2008 at 14:44
Super Member
March 2008
On November 15, 2008 at 00:20, Duct Tape said...
i am using two $30 35' HDMI cables in my family room.
One is for a DirecTv HR21 receiver going to my Samsung
LCD. And the other is for my 400 disc sony dvd player
going to the tv. The receiver and dvd player are both
located in the basement under the stairs. I have no issues
at all using these cheap cables.

Now when I add a Bluray player, I might have to rethink
this situation. But for these 1080i sources, I'm glad
that I didnt waste my money on more expensive cables.

i bought them from btw

That's because you're not doing HD. Try putting 1080P through cheap 35' cables.

Buy Monster if you have extra cash or want bragging rights. Otherwise there are plenty of good quality cables for less than Monster.

....and I used to work for them.
"Quality isn't expensive, it's Priceless!"
Post 9 made on Monday November 17, 2008 at 22:03
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On November 16, 2008 at 14:44, kgossen said...
That's because you're not doing HD. Try putting 1080P
through cheap 35' cables.

Buy Monster if you have extra cash or want bragging rights.
Otherwise there are plenty of good quality cables for
less than Monster.

....and I used to work for them.

720p from my dvd player, 720p/1080i through my directv. those are HD signals last time i checked....

i know i'm not doing 1080p, thats why i stated i may have to rethink my cable selection when i add a bluray.

and i wont touch monster with a 10 foot pole. i refuse to purchase from a company that sues everyone that has a similar name asthem. ie: Monster energy drink, Disney for Monster's INC, Monster surfboards (and many others) [Link:]

Screw monster cable! (i hope i dont get sued for that)

If i need a better cable than what i have, I can get Tributaries through work...

Last edited by Duct Tape on November 17, 2008 22:22.
Post 10 made on Tuesday November 18, 2008 at 01:13
Super Member
March 2008
On November 17, 2008 at 22:03, Duct Tape said...
720p from my dvd player, 720p/1080i through my directv.
those are HD signals last time i checked....

i know i'm not doing 1080p, thats why i stated i may have
to rethink my cable selection when i add a bluray.

and i wont touch monster with a 10 foot pole. i refuse
to purchase from a company that sues everyone that has
a similar name asthem. ie: Monster energy drink, Disney
for Monster's INC, Monster surfboards (and many others)

Screw monster cable! (i hope i dont get sued for that)

If i need a better cable than what i have, I can get Tributaries
through work...

Yes you're right they are HD, should have said Blu-Ray @1080P. What I laughed at when I first starting working at Monster was that 90% of Noel's patents are for packaging. Nothing to do with cable. He's such a loser.
"Quality isn't expensive, it's Priceless!"
Post 11 made on Friday December 12, 2008 at 16:22
follow who03
Long Time Member
April 2003
I'm suprised no one has brought up yet. I've been using them for years with no issues at all. Great cable. My entire theater is wired with these:


Yes. $4.00 each is the real price. I have the Pioneer Elite Pro151 Plasma TV and Pioneer Elite Receiver and Blue-Ray player. I care what my picture looks like and I have compared them to the $100 cables in my home and there is no difference in picture or sound.

Everything else I have ordered from them - component video, DVI, and speaker cable - has been great quality as well. I highly recommend! (and I don't work for them either!)
"We are only immortal for a limited time." -Neal Peart
Post 12 made on Friday December 12, 2008 at 21:52
Long Time Member
November 2006
Blue jeans cable is another good source for HDMI cables. There is also a wealth of info on their website, much of it debunking the myths surrounding "high end" cables including Monster.

Blue Jeans cable also has a low price line, Tartan Cable, and I've used the Tartan 28AWG HDMI cables with great success (apologies to Borat).

I have not used the Tartan cables for anything over 10 ft, however. For longer runs I use the Blue Jeans cable. Both will pass 1080p signals just fine.

The tartan cables are a little more expensive than the monoprice ones, but for some reason I trust the Blue Jeans Cable folks a little more...
Post 13 made on Sunday December 14, 2008 at 09:50
Founding Member
May 2001
On October 21, 2008 at 11:28, 1ziggi1 said...
No difference but some will swear there is. Just make
sure you get a cable that will pass 1.3 version of HDMI.

Haven't been here in awhile, but I just had to comment on this.

If there is "No difference", then why do you have to worry about "get[ting] a cable that will pass 1.3"? LOL!

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