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Video Stabilizers and copyright protection for VHS and DVD
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Post 1 made on Sunday July 15, 2007 at 01:16
Lurking Member
July 2007
Hello. Looking for some feedback.

I am just about to get a Panasonic DMR-E85H DVD recorder/HDD. I also have older, high quality stand-alone Sony VCR and DVD players. I do have a Time Warner dual tuner DVR box, as well.

I want to transfer all my VHS on to DVD. I also want to copy DVDs, preferably with all special features and menus intact. I want to do this with the above-listed equipment rather than on my computer.

I know the VHS transfer is possible with a stabilizer to remove the copyright codes. From what I've read online, I believe DVD copying is also possible, though I do not know if I can pull all the features on to the burned DVD.

1. Can anyone tell me if I can do these types of transfers with pre-recorded DVDs?
2. Can anyone recommend the best stabilizer product/s that can handle all these functions? (I have been researching but would like experienced opinions.)
3. Does anyone have helpful hints/tips on the E85H? It wasn't my first choice, but overall it is highly rated and in my price range.

Thanks much!
Post 2 made on Sunday July 15, 2007 at 01:39
Super Member
October 2005
To copy a prerecorded DVD, the best way is really to use your computer. Use DVDFab Decrypter and DVDShrink, which are both free.

There's no standalone way to preserve menus and the like.

But keep in mind what you're doing is illegal. I'm not against backing up a DVD I own, but in my opinion, copying from Netflix or Blockbuster is just wrong.

Yes, one of these devices will allow you to transfer either one of these to DVD. Keep in mind though that the VHS you're transferring would be a commercial one, so it'd already most likely be out on DVD with a much higer quality. Obviously a transfer is useful if you've got a ton of VHS tapes though.

Years ago I found a workaround that worked for me - my RCA VHS camcorder did not transmit the Macrovision.
Post 3 made on Thursday July 26, 2007 at 20:23
Long Time Member
August 2005
OTAHD: Copying or burning DVD's to a computer is just as illegal as doing it with a stand alone. You are just using a program that incorporates MacroBusting built into it. You can copy menus, but its a more labor intensive method. Once you record the DVD, you would pause the recording. Then go into the DVD menu and select the extras that you want to record. Then just release pause , or go back into record. Granted this is a pain to do this way. I believe that many people who want to record from VHS or Beta to DVD, are transferring family movies, memories. That's what I used it for. Otherwise who wants to take VHS (240 lines of resolution), and convert it to a format that has at least double that resolution. I am sure that Netflix or BB couldn't care less if you did it with a stand alone or burned it to your computer HD. They would be equally against it either way. FYI, the older MacroBusters that were made for VHS copying is alot different then the newer versions that came out for use with DVD's.
Jeffrey S. Albaugh
Post 4 made on Thursday July 26, 2007 at 20:53
Super Member
October 2005
On July 26, 2007 at 20:23, mrhookup said...
OTAHD: Copying or burning DVD's to a computer is just
as illegal as doing it with a stand alone.

Never said it wasn't. They're both illegal.

You can copy menus, but its a more labor intensive
method. Once you record the DVD, you would pause the recording.
Then go into the DVD menu and select the extras that you
want to record. Then just release pause , or go back into
record. Granted this is a pain to do this way.

Right, but this is not actually preserving the original menus.

I believe
that many people who want to record from VHS or Beta to
DVD, are transferring family movies, memories. That's
what I used it for.

That's what I use it for too.

Otherwise who wants to take VHS (240
lines of resolution), and convert it to a format that
has at least double that resolution.

No clue.

I am sure that Netflix
or BB couldn't care less if you did it with a stand alone
or burned it to your computer HD. They would be equally
against it either way.

I'm sure they would.

FYI, the older MacroBusters that
were made for VHS copying is alot different then the newer
versions that came out for use with DVD's.

How so? I thought Macrovision was the only form of analog copy protection?

I'm not sure you're understanding exactly what I said.
Post 5 made on Friday July 27, 2007 at 23:45
Long Time Member
August 2005
OTAHD: Thank you. Over time, there have been various versions of Macrovision. The system that was used in the days of VHS is different then the system that they are using now. Go to: This company sold tons of Macrovision Busters over the years. Now it appears that Sony was finally successful at putting them out of business. Sony sued them into oblivion! Of course, there are numerous companies that pop up all the time to take their place such as These companies are a dime a dozen. Aversge price sseeme to be about $35.00 Frankly, there aren't many movies that I would want to see more then once anyway.
Jeffrey S. Albaugh
Post 6 made on Saturday March 12, 2011 at 12:12
Lurking Member
March 2011
I can recommend one firm which can solve it. I have found here such site [Link:].
They have a device - GREX, I heard that with its help it is possible to block protection DVD and satellite tv-channels and to write down transfers on the dvd. Good luck!
Post 7 made on Thursday March 17, 2011 at 01:47
Ernie Bornn-Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
On July 27, 2007 at 23:45, mrhookup said...
Frankly, there aren't many movies that I would want to see more then once anyway.

I used to think that, too. How many movies do you have on DVD? Do you throw them away once you've watched them? Why? Why not?

Check your assumptions and compare with what you do.
A good answer is easier with a clear question giving the make and model of everything.
"The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." -- G. “Bernie” Shaw
Post 8 made on Thursday April 7, 2011 at 13:17
Elite Member
April 2002
there only two movies I watch over and over, "Disorganized Crime" and "Short Circuit 2". :)
Post 9 made on Friday April 8, 2011 at 17:49
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Hey, another SC2 fan! I have a soft spot for a number of goofy comedies.
Post 10 made on Saturday May 14, 2011 at 10:22
Advanced Member
December 2006
Hey sugar lips.... your momma was a snowblower....
I am standing here beside myself.....

SC 1 & 2 love those movies!
All high's, all low's, it must be.......
Einstein @ URC Control Room forum
Post 11 made on Monday May 30, 2011 at 10:10
Dave Gibbons
Lurking Member
May 2011
Short Circuit 2 ... That is awesome... when I first got married I kept quoting from that movie and my wife didn't know what it was! Love it (although I rarely watch a movie twice).
Post 12 made on Tuesday June 7, 2011 at 13:28
Ernie Bornn-Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
Meanwhile, what's the latest in allowing me to make a fair use copy of a DVD that I own?

Would it be "fair use" to make a DVD for myself of a movie that I've paid to download from a satellite receiver?
A good answer is easier with a clear question giving the make and model of everything.
"The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." -- G. “Bernie” Shaw

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