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Such an animal???
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Post 1 made on Thursday December 28, 2006 at 02:09
Founding Member
May 2002
Current Equipment:

1. A Motorola brand DVR Comcast Cable box:
Input: Normal Coax from wall.
Output: Monster Cable brand Full HDMI..
price: (fill in your best guess)

2. Sharp LC-32D40U 32" Flat LCD Panel TV with built-in tuner:
Input: HDMI cable from DVR cable box listed above.
price: (again you can figure it out)

Luxury of simply having just 1 cable for both video and audio? PRICELESS!!!

I bought mother the TV this past x-mas. The DVR remote Comcast provides controls both the cablebox and the TV seamlessly. So far I'm loving it! No calls for help from dear mother. But the Symphonic combo DVD/VCR player is another story. The Comcast docs for the DVR remote know nothing about it. the Symphonic isn't worth anything. Time to replace it with something more mainstream.

I need to get mom a DVD/VCR player. Recording features aren't really needed. I totally have her trained on the Cable DVR recording features. The main reason for a DVD/VCR unit is playback, like rentals from Netflix or shows she has me record on tape at the last minute. I find it much easier to record on my VCR one of her sappy CBS Hallmark movies every few months rather than retrain her everytime. It'd called picking your battles.

The new TV has 2 HDMI connectors. One is being used already, but I would like to find a DVD/VCR that outputs ALL its video AND audio through ONE HDMI cable. Upscaling or Upconverting or whatever UP-something it would have would be nice. What I mean, any feature of a DVD/VCR that enhances the viewing image would be great but secondary, if that makes sense. The ease of a HDMI connection and dual DVD/VCR functionality are my main concerns.

So is there such an animal.. a mainstream DVD/VCR player that outputs ALL its video AND audio through ONE HDMI cable???


PS. Oops I forgot.. Not really interested in HD-DVD or Blueray yet. 1. Still too expensive. 2. I have no idea which will win out in the end. 3. Have no media that requires it.

Last edited by pchlpdr on December 28, 2006 02:35.
Post 2 made on Thursday December 28, 2006 at 10:58
Founding Member
February 2002
I've got a samsung DVD player that upscales through an HDMI cable.

So look at the Samsung models of combination DVD/VCRs, as the potential is there anyway.
Post 3 made on Sunday January 21, 2007 at 22:37
Select Member
June 2006
There is an LG one that i listed on another post of yours.

Here is the Link:

Ali Hashemi
Post 4 made on Sunday January 21, 2007 at 22:46
Super Member
October 2005
Most upconverting players look WORSE when upconvering than when outputting their native resolution, though.
Post 5 made on Monday January 22, 2007 at 13:09
Lurking Member
January 2007
On January 21, 2007 at 22:46, OTAHD said...
Most upconverting players look WORSE when upconvering
than when outputting their native resolution, though.

IMHO this is not true. I have tested a few Samsung, Sony, Denon and OPPO players and they always look better when upconverting on my Toshiba RPTV. The Toshiba HD players (when upconverting) are simply the best SD DVD players I have ever seen, especially the new XA2. In fact it looked as good, maybe even better than the $4k Denon unit.
Post 6 made on Monday January 22, 2007 at 15:09
Super Member
October 2005
Usually it looks better to me when I let my TV scale from the native resolution of 480i than the player.

Unless you are willing to pay the big bucks on an upconverting one.
Post 7 made on Monday January 22, 2007 at 16:07
Loyal Member
October 2005
On January 22, 2007 at 15:09, OTAHD said...

Unless you are willing to pay the big bucks on an upconverting

Agreed. After tested several players and a few receivers the difference is not always that noticeable at the low end of the market. Also I have noticed a deterioration over time where cable connections and a clean environment seem to be critical
I knew this was a mistake; my grip on reality's not too good at the best of times. Glitz, in "The Ultimate Foe"

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