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Multiple Sony DVP-CX985V Connections
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Post 1 made on Tuesday December 26, 2006 at 15:08
Founding Member
November 2001
I have a mega dvd player now (Sony DVP-CX985V) and it is almost full. I have read about connecting a second one to my system and "daisy chaining" them. I have read a few different descriptions, which all sound like they are talking about audio only.

Has anyone here hooked up two of these units to their system? I am using a Phillips tsu-7000, with movie poster buttons for each dvd slot, and am wanting to know about any connectivity issues before I order the new one. Also, Does anyone know if you can "daisy chain" connect a DVD-CX985V and a DVD-CX995V, in case I can't find a 985 model.

Anyone have any advice, ideas, experience or URL's for this issue? Thanks

Last edited by walkman on December 26, 2006 18:17.
Post 2 made on Tuesday December 26, 2006 at 22:26
Active Member
February 2006
i dont know about this model but i have 3 of the CX995V units ...there isnt a way to daisy chain these units so what i had to do is, i bought an IR controlled Video switcher that had descretes for each input as well as power, ...i also have thumbnail pictures of all my movies using the the macro string for each thumbnail it will select the proper input to switch to. you can also utilize the 3 different IR codes that the unit has that way there is no crosstalk between for me like a champ.


here is a link where i bought my switcher
Post 3 made on Wednesday December 27, 2006 at 10:39
Long Time Member
September 2005
On December 26, 2006 at 15:08, walkman said...
I have a mega dvd player now (Sony DVP-CX985V) and it
is almost full. I have read about connecting a second
one to my system and "daisy chaining" them.

Has anyone here hooked up two of these units to their
system? I am using a Phillips tsu-7000, with movie poster
buttons for each dvd slot, and am wanting to know about
any connectivity issues before I order the new one. Also,
Does anyone know if you can "daisy chain" connect a DVD-CX985V
and a DVD-CX995V, in case I can't find a 985 model.

Anyone have any advice, ideas, experience or URL's for
this issue? Thanks

My DVDs are housed in two Sony DVP-CX985V Changers. I'm also using a Philip's TSU7000 remote control with a tweaked version of Lowpro's DVD Management Interface to automate my Home Theater DVD collection.

If you haven't already, you should give his *.pcf a read:

As for "daisy chain" DVD-CX985V and/or DVD-CX995V models together, you can't. But what you can do is use the Command Mode feature each model has in order to use more than one changer.

Check out LP's detailed response to a similar question (found on the same thread as the first link):

Last edited by wjjz106 on December 27, 2006 12:40.
DVD 12 Step Member

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