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Sony® VAIO® VGP-XL1B2 Media changer
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Post 1 made on Tuesday December 19, 2006 at 16:09
Lurking Member
December 2006
Anyone have any experience with the Sony® VAIO® VGP-XL1B2 Media changer? I like that they access the net to get the DVD info unlike the Sony DVP-CX985V which only recognizes one out of every 20 of my DVDs. I've seen them on the net for under $300 but have not seen any reviews on the quality of the image they produce.
Post 2 made on Thursday December 21, 2006 at 12:17
Andrew D Finkel
Long Time Member
June 2003
You will need a Media center computer to be able to play anything from the Sony VGP-XL1B2, it only has a firewire output.
OP | Post 3 made on Friday December 22, 2006 at 09:39
Lurking Member
December 2006
I understand about the Media Center PC and I have one hooked up to my 65" HD TV. What I don't know is how good a picture the fire wire connection will produce. Is it as good as HDMI?
Post 4 made on Friday December 22, 2006 at 21:41
Active Member
November 2004
The quality of the picture is not determined by the firewire connection, as this is only used as a data connection between the XL1 and the PC.

The picture quality is determined by the speed of your PC, the playback software used, and the quality of the graphics card in it which is then connected to your HD TV via component, DVI or HDMI depening on the connections available.

The XL1 does not connect to the monitor directly. Think of it as a DVD rom drive with 200 slots, not as a DVD jukebox player like the DVP-CX995V.

If you already have your MCE PC connected to the HD TV, then that is the quality you will get regardless of the source of the DVD material (DVD rom drive, XL1, hard disk).

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