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DVD vending machines
This thread has 17 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 18.
Post 16 made on Friday September 24, 2004 at 18:38
Super Member
September 2004
On 01/20/04 19:15 ET, G50AE said...
There are only two places I have ever seen a "Starbucks",
at airports and at bookstores. I can't imagine
that this particular chain would have more than
a niche market.

You've gotta be kidding me! Where do you live?

Let me put this in perspective. My research shows McDonalds has about 16,000 locations. I also found Starbucks has about 7,500 locations. (This does not include grocery stores, or stores that brew and sell starbucks coffee. Many of the bookstore locations are not actually owned by starbucks, they are owned by the bookstore.)

So, you're telling me that a store with 7,500 locations is a niche market?
Post 17 made on Friday September 24, 2004 at 21:15
Larry Fine
Loyal Member
August 2001
On 09/24/04 22:38 ET, bcf1963 said...
So, you're telling me that a store with 7,500
locations is a niche market?

Well, maybe a really big niche. : - )
Post 18 made on Wednesday October 13, 2004 at 00:18
Long Time Member
July 2003
On the closest major corner to my house, there is a freestanding Starbucks in the parking lot of an Albertson's that has a Starbucks inside the store. I know of two other locations within 8 miles that have the same setup. That's six Starbucks outlets in three locations in an 8 mile radius. That doesn't include the four or five others that I know of in the same area. And, I don't even drink coffee so I am not looking for them.

I'd say they have a little overpenetration of the market...
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