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Remote codes for LCD LVDS controller board.
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Post 1 made on Sunday February 25, 2024 at 17:12
Junior Member
February 2024
Hi people,

I bought a controller board for a laptop screen to use as a second monitor. I didn't get one with an included remote, but it's capable of being controlled by IR. I've built an IR blaster using an ESP32 and I would like to add control of the monitor (on/off) to the IR blaster. I know you guys like to use all kinds of crazy methods [csv, pronto etc]. I am using the irremote library on the ESP32 so ideally I'd like to get the protocol and HEX values for the keys, but I'll take whatever I can get.

The remote that controls it has only six buttons [menu, up, down, left, right, power] and labelled "LCD REMOTE". I'll post a link to a picture.


Thanks for reading !

EDIT: I've tried brute force attacks (sending every possible protocol value) of RC5, RC6, SIRC, NEC, JVC and got nothing. I'm giving up and I've programmed a micro controller to receive my IR signal and control the monitor. Who knows what protocol this Chinesium board uses. It may not even be 38kHz for all I know. So if anyone has an answer, it will be for someone else.


Last edited by binary_99 on March 1, 2024 08:53.

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