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LG Digital Signage Codes?
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Post 1 made on Sunday February 11, 2024 at 00:22
Junior Member
February 2024
So we have a trio of LG digital signage (49SH7DB) from a friend who works for McDonald's that he was told to get rid of. The only accessory they came with was a single IR sensor, no remote. We grabbed a knock-off remote off Amazon that was reported to work with them, but so far no dice with either it or the codes learned from it via Pronto. We also grabbed a second generic sensor, but the lister acknowledged that while it should work with anything using the same connection type and frequency, it wasn't guaranteed. So, we have no idea if the problem is the remote, the receivers, the TV's port for the IR receiver or if we're just using wrong codes at this point.

I've tried everything I could dig up for LG using a combination of both forum and Google searches as well as attempting to generate codes using NEC1toHex. However, I don't know for sure if the device and function codes are correct or if the lead-in and lead-out strings it's pulling from the remote we purchased are correct since it's a third party remote. Or, for that matter, if the digital signage devices even use the same data as their regular TVs. I do have a manual with the hex IR codes, at the very least.

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