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Request. IR command same for Dune and Sharp TV duplicates each other
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Post 1 made on Sunday August 29, 2021 at 10:59
Long Time Member
November 2012
Customers TV LC-70N7100 (Sharp LC-70N7) and Dune HD Pro 4K II have one same IR command. I use programmable remote MX-980 and as i see from URC CCP library for all Dunes ("Enter" button) this command also works at same time as "menu" button for Sharp TV. Native Dune HD Pro 4K II remote is bluetooth. I try to search hex "Enter" button commands, but they are in other hex format (like "00 BF 14 EB") and after converting not works using drag&drop in universal browser.
I cant use different IR blaster only for Dune, because all IR goes through one parallel IR amplifier, one for all channels and also TV have own direct IR receiver. Any solutions ?
Post 2 made on Monday September 6, 2021 at 14:23
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
On August 29, 2021 at 10:59, RDYZZZ said...
Customers TV LC-70N7100 (Sharp LC-70N7) and Dune HD Pro 4K II have one same IR command. I use programmable remote MX-980 and as i see from URC CCP library for all Dunes ("Enter" button) this command also works at same time as "menu" button for Sharp TV. Native Dune HD Pro 4K II remote is bluetooth. I try to search hex "Enter" button commands, but they are in other hex format (like "00 BF 14 EB") and after converting not works using drag&drop in universal browser.
I cant use different IR blaster only for Dune, because all IR goes through one parallel IR amplifier, one for all channels and also TV have own direct IR receiver. Any solutions ?

The older Dune boxes had what were called Black and Silver remotes. Not sure if they shared the same codeset. If not, that might be your only solution since you don't want to use an IR router. At one point and time I used to use a Xantech IR router which I truly loved and did exactly what you would need.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester

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