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Looking for Denon avc 3020/3030 rear speaker hex code
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Post 1 made on Thursday August 26, 2021 at 13:44
Junior Member
August 2021
Hi there.

I have a Denon avc 3020 with the rear speakers currently switched off.

I have a Samsung S5 with IR and a programmable IR app that will allow me to enter hex codes to transmit to the device.

I have found discrete codes for that unit and speaker channel controls are not there.

A similar thread has helped me find the codes for speaker A and speaker B and I found Centre speaker control on a random universal Denon remote, although it was labelled as something else.

All I need now is the illusive Rear Speaker select.

Codes from the avc 3030 have worked previously and there is a complete listing for it here:


I am unable to open the linked file though so am unable to explore further.

Can anyone open and translate the file and share the codes please? or at least the one for the Rear Channel?
Or could someone point me at a way to read the file myself using PC or Mac software please?

Many many thanks in advance.
Post 2 made on Saturday August 28, 2021 at 17:28
Junior Member
August 2021
sorry, can delete my massage?
Post 3 made on Sunday September 5, 2021 at 09:13
Junior Member
September 2021
Hey, did you fix it already?
OP | Post 4 made on Friday September 10, 2021 at 15:13
Junior Member
August 2021
No. I have not been able to activate the rear speaker outputs yet.

Both A and B outputs are playing up on the left channel so getting the rear outputs going would salvage this as a working hifi amp until I am able to work out how to fix the main channels.

So frustrating that this basic functionality is not available on the front of the amp itself and instead put solely on a remote that can be lost, as is the case here.

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