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Any options for Harman Kardon Enchant 1300 inputs?
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Post 1 made on Friday February 26, 2021 at 17:29
Founding Member
February 2002
Looking at a fairly simple setup using a couple of Harman Kardon Enchant 1300 sound-bars but vexed by their management for inputs.

The issue is I am unable to find discrete codes to send to the the system to force the sound-bar to a particular input. This causes havoc since an activity to watch BluRay may be HDMI 2 and another (like using a FireStick) may be HDMI 3 on the HK but it steps through inputs, meaning there is no reference for the remote to know what mode the sound-bar is in.

Are there any discrete codes that can be sent to the HK Enchant to direct the input needed?

For reference, working with a Samsung 4K display (irrelevant) but sending control signals from an older Harmony Ultimate Home (IR only) remote. Possible to upgrade to a newer IR/BT foundation but until the source switching is figured out, at a stand still...

Post 2 made on Monday August 23, 2021 at 11:34
Junior Member
August 2021
Late response here but I just went through the setup process with Enchant 1300 + Harmony and ran into the same issue. My solution is to assign "presets" with the original Enchant remote. It will store volume level, sound mode, and input selection to each of 5 individual presets.

The harmony can call up individual presets, though I found switching between two of them requires two taps of the preset. In my Harmony setup for a given action, I have it power up everything, then do Enchant Preset 1, pause 1 sec, Enchant Preset 1 again and so far it's working well.

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