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Pioneer Elite Receiver
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Post 1 made on Monday February 13, 2012 at 22:55
Lurking Member
February 2012
I am trying to fine discrete input codes for my Pioneer VSX-40 to program on my Comcast DVR 3-Device Universal Remote. I know it takes 5 codes from what has worked so far. I'm frustrated because I have some codes to work, but not the ones I want to use. I have gotton DVD and Video 1 and 2 to work. But now I am looking for BD and DVR/DBR inputs. Like I said it's frustrating being so close yet so far. The best list I have gotten so far is from:


The problem is there are only EFC5 codes for the first column. I am lost as to how to get an input for the right two lists.
Any Help is appreciated
Post 2 made on Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 01:45
Select Member
August 2009
Assuming you're using Audio 1023,  DVR/BDR is 48773.  Unfortunately, the IR signal for BD can't be sent by the Comcast remote.  

The way to get these EFCs for exactly your receiver is to get the device and function numbers from Pioneer.   Also download RemoteMaster.  Once you have that running, select the 1067BX3 as your remote, select Pioneer 3DEV as the protocol, and enter 162, 165, and 164 into the devices.  The Pioneer codes in the spreadsheet need to be converted to decimal before entering them into RemoteMaster.  For A559+A501 (Speakers A on), select device 165 (A5) and enter 89 (59) as the OBC and 01 as OBC2.

To send BD, you could buy a RCA RCRP05B ($20), or buy  a JP1 cable ($30)
If you get a RCRP05B, it makes more sense to use Audio 1935. DVR/BDR is programmed to digit 8.  BD is EFC 07110.  to use RM, select Pioneer 4DEV, and enter 165 and 164 as dev 1 and 2.  These setup codes and device numbers come from the Lookup Tool.

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