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Simultaneous use: Bluebeam C-1071A & BD Remote
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Post 1 made on Saturday January 19, 2019 at 08:33
Long Time Member
July 2002
I have an iPad running a Crestron app to control the home theater. For the PS3, there's a Bluebeam C-1071A and I have a Sony BD remote that I've used together to control the PS3. I find that the BD remote is just easier navigating the PS3, but the Crestron app still powered everything on and off. The PS3 started not powering up or powering down, everything else was working fine, although I can't verify the Crestron app was still able to do other functions on the PS3 (I suspect they weren't working either).

I had the Crestron guy out to get it working again, and now if you pair the Bluebeam it overwrites the BD remote and visa versa. He couldn't make them work together again.

I thought that maybe there was a way to make the PS3 think the Bluebeam was a controller instead of a BD remote, but I don't see that option in the Bluebeam documentation. Could there have been a firmware update that limited the number of BD remotes to one where before the PS3 could have more than one?

Anyone know how/why it used to work and now doesn't?


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