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Pronto Edit Pro rs232 Macros
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Post 1 made on Wednesday August 29, 2018 at 23:45
Lurking Member
August 2018
I have gotten a hold of a tsu9600 and am working through the pronto edit pro software setting up the system. I have also gotten myself a rfx9600 as I want to control some of my equipment with rs232.

I have added my devices to my database and added the rs232 commands to their profiles and added it to my project. Right now I have only added an optoma projector to the project and trying to get the macros programmed.

My goal is to have a screen asking you to select what zone your want to control for entertainment, either living room or theater at this point. When I click on the theater button I want the remote to send out the power on commands for the projector and receiver. I also want the remote to jump to a please wait screen when i tap on the theater zone. The please wait screen should last for about 30 seconds to allow the projector time to turn on. Then I want to jump to a screen with several input options and when i touch the input i want it to send the commands to the projector to switch inputs. I have not added the receiver yet as I am still getting used to the software and want to figure this out first.

Now here is my problem. I created a macro to send the power on command to the projector via rs232. the next action would be to jump to the please wait screen. then I added a delay of 30 seconds, then I added a jump to the theater input page.

When I run the simulator it just sends the power on commands as noted my the star flash in the top menu bar on the remote but it does not jump to the please wait page. If I remove the power on command and just have the jump actions and run the simulator it does what I want and the star flash stays on for the duration then ends with the input page. What am I doing wrong? why cant I have a rs232 or IR command in a macro with page jumps as well?

Any help would be much appreciated. I have not even looked at prontoscript as I think my goals should be doable with macros. I did read the ProntoEdit pro 1 Manual and noted that the macros they had in their showed page jumps and IR commands in the same macro.

Thanks for your help!!!

Last edited by sergi182 on August 30, 2018 00:03.
Post 2 made on Thursday August 30, 2018 at 03:24
Twelfth Monkey
Long Time Member
November 2016
I've set up macros with IR and page jumps in, so you aren't trying to do anything it can't handle. I've tended to do the page jump first when doing a 'please wait' page, but I don't think that should make any difference. I'd try putting a very small delay between the commands themselves and the first page jump, as sometimes asking it to do two things simultaneously doesn't always have the desired result. I also always put a very small delay between commands for the same reason when asking a button or macro to execute a series of things.

I hope that this works for you!
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday August 30, 2018 at 12:42
Lurking Member
August 2018
So I just tried to add a delay and the same thing it stopped at the on command and did not change pages. its like there is a stop command when a serial command is sent and the macro does not continue.

this is what I put into the macro:

Jump: Entertainment - Wait 1
Delay 0.50 Sec
Function: Power On Optoma - Projector - HD81
Delay 0.50 Sec
Jump: Entertainment - Wait 2

Any other ideas?
OP | Post 4 made on Thursday August 30, 2018 at 13:18
Lurking Member
August 2018
I forgot to mention when I remove the serial command from the above macro it does change the pages... as soon as a serial command is inserted it stops working. I also tried changing the command to an IR command and the macro works.

So i am stuck as to why a macro wont work with a serial command but will with an IR one?
Post 5 made on Thursday August 30, 2018 at 19:11
Select Member
March 2004
It's an issue with the Simulator. See here.
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Post 6 made on Tuesday September 4, 2018 at 13:31
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Note that you can get this to work by doing 2 things.

1. Install Jon Welfringer's TCP/IP simulator mod. [Link:]

2. Configure all your extenders in PEP2/PEP3 with fixed IP address and supply the IP address of the extender (Note that you should supply the real IP address of the extender so if DHCP, may want to update extender to used fixed IP address).
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 7 made on Wednesday February 28, 2024 at 07:34
Junior Member
February 2024

Do you a have new link.
It not work.

Thank you

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