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weird DirecTV RC66 (non-genie) AV1 issue
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Post 1 made on Saturday October 3, 2020 at 15:35
Lurking Member
November 2015
I have a Directv RC66 (non-genie remote). I wish to setup the volume for an ARCAM AV40. The remote is setup for IR (not RF). I have done this with any other remotes from Directv so I'm not sure what is different...

1. I go to the settings and program AV1 and it finds the code and the Vol+/- works. This all works as expected.
2. I acknowledge this in the Directv menu, it all seems ok.
3. I then switch the remote to AV1 and the volume doesn't work, but the RC66 lights indicate it's sending a code.
4. as a result, volume punch through doesn't work either

What gives?
Post 2 made on Saturday October 3, 2020 at 18:28
Elite Member
April 2002
If you don't have a tv code programmed in the volume kays aren't blank, what's there is IR commands that when the directv receiver sees them it puts up warning to program a tv code into the remote. So the volume keys need a tv code programmed in to work at all.

Once there is a tv code, then the tv volume is punch through to all devices and is in the way, but that can be remedied. So with tv code in, yours or any just that there has to be one, to get the av volume in just one device:

1. av1 or av2
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 9 3
4. press VOL down

If you want the av volume in ALL devices do the following instead:

1. av1 or av2
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 9 3
4. press SELECT

If you want to restore the tv volume in just the tv device:

1. tv
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 9 3
4. press Vol Down
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday October 4, 2020 at 18:42
Lurking Member
November 2015
Thanks, but I don't get the programming warning (TV was programmed to a dummy Sony) and when I switch to AV1 using the slider switch and use the volume, it still doesn't work. It seems that at some point between when I acknowledge that the IR code worked (I know this because the volume up/down worked) and when the directv remote setup menu closes, it "forgets" all of the codes. It's really weird, because I've done this with other similar remotes many times with other equipment.

So here's a summary:
1. I am able to get Vol+/- working when setting up the remote in the directv menu.
2. I acknowledge it's working, then after that the volume will not work, and here's how I've concluded that:
2a. slid switch to AV1 and pressed Vol+/ luck even though the remote is showing via the LEDs that it's sending the volume commands from AV1.
2b. programmed punch through to all devices... no luck
2c. programmed punch through to this device... no luck

The power button does work, however... I can standby the unit by switching to AV1 and pressing power. But volume and mute do not work.
OP | Post 4 made on Friday July 29, 2022 at 19:43
Lurking Member
November 2015
i found that if i have the directv rc66 in rf mode, the volume works! In IR mode, the voilume of av1 does not work. I have verified this on 2 different remotes. any ideas why that may be the case?

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